Prior to chang Rul investigation

Think about how useful he could be for us, dint you see it?? We need a deal with the Xi of Japan, while it is completely true that he might lack the qualifications for the job, there is no doubt at all to his credibility, whether you like it or not we need him here

Yang min knew his father was right but Sang-Hoon had touched something he was intentional about, his pride that he couldn't bear no matter how hard he tried.

It was at this point he knew it was pointless talking to his father, if he wanted to defeat Muchen on his terms, he knew quite well that failure was lurking around already.

okay father I understand he simply said with a more cheerful face but with so much pain in his heart.



After 3 days of digging around the CCTV cameras of the airport, he found 2 anomalies and he wanted to shrug it off but he had just 2 days to get back to the chief and he was determined enough to get her.