I was sitting in the Khal tent. It has been six months since I have taken control since then I went on a campaign to unite all of the Dothraki under my command giving me the greatest berserkers and Calvary that this world had to offer. I took in aspects of Dothraki culture such as accepting tributes and raiding. I could not forcefully change them to change right now especially since I took leadership despite being the outsider. I focused on improving my image with Dothraki and Brado was a major help in that endeavor. I remember my first conversation after I defeated him wanting to know why he accepted his defeat so passively any other dothrakI would have fought to the death to die with honor.


"So now Brado what are you planning? No self respecting Dothraki would concede the way you just did?" I asked the former Khal. I summoned him right after I got settled in the Khal. He looked a bit worse for wear due to the fight but other than that he did not seem in major trouble. His hair was shorter though due to him cutting it away because of him losing to me.

"My Khal from the beginning I was never suitable to be a Khal. I know nothing of leadership and the Dothraki I lead got lucky that we never got into conflict due to the fear that we inspired and the raids prospering that fear however aside from that there was nobody that could lead as well. The way of the Dothraki is soon to die out, however with you at helm my people can move to a new path?" He said his tone resonated with the truth. But that leads to another question: how come a Dothraki, a people known for their stubborn headed ways come to this conclusion.

"How the hell did you come to this conclusion not to be mean but this answer does not seem like from a dothraki?" I asked him.

"The way of the Dotharki took my family away from me I lost both my daughter and Khaleesi due to retaliation to our raids common farm folk crept into our village and killed them while we were raiding and from them I understood that Dothraki way will only lead to sadness and pain in the future maybe not now but eventually." He said to in a somber tone

I sighed at this he was right but the other dothraki won't accept this if I tell them to stop raiding they are more likely to rebel so the change has to be bit by bit and more power and prestige I get the more change was viable.


Present time

Brado entered my tent and quickly kneeled in front of me. I rolled my eyes ever since I made him public liaison for the Dothraki to know their troubles and issues that I can help with.

"My Khal, a group of travelers wish to pass through our territory. They wish to present with tribute" He said to me. My eyebrow was slightly raised but I nodded. I have gotten tributes before in the form of gold and gems from wandering merchants. Soon two men both overweight and greasy skinned.

"You must be the legendary Khal Ravanna that we have heard so much about?" One of the men said he wore a normal red robe and milky skin that was rare to see in a place like this without a speck of facial hair. The other man had more olive skin which is more common in the environment that essos produces. This man adorned himself with purple clothing.

"Please state your business and leave the tribute here" I told them not caring much for their ass kissing.

"We are taking our sons to the citadel to make them become maesters we hope for you to grant us passage and as a tribute" the man wearing purple dashed outside and brought a girl. I looked at the men with a puzzled expression.But soon recognition hit my eyes. The girl was the doppelganger of a very famous person in my original world. Before my eyes was Nina Dobrev, the starlet that is known for acting in the show Vampire Diaries, the same show that my future companion Bonnie Bennet was from.

"This is my daughter. I hope that she is enough for you to give us passage" The man garbed in purple said to me. I was slightly surprised at this but I noted that this was normal. I've seen it happen several times. I just never expected it to happen to me. "I assure you my Khal that she still has her maidenhead." I said to myself it seems that he has misunderstood me when I was thinking.

The other brought a small box and quickly unlocked, revealing a weapon that I had never seen before. It was gladius of some sort with an unusual aura. My enhanced craftsman ship knew it was not simple. Soon the forging method of the revealed itself to me as I looked on it with awe.

"This a valyrian Gladius for the protection of my son and me journeying through here" He said to me. I nodded at this.

"Very well leave this place for a minute or two. I need to speak with the girl" I looked at her. She wore simple essos garb with subdued colors. She looked about 3 years older than making her around 17.

"Tell me, do you want this or do you want me to send you to your family?" I asked her. She looked at me in shock. It seems that she was not expecting me to ask her such a question. Let it be known I am horny pervert even though I have some limits. I do not force myself on people no matter what standing I am at. Well except my companions but they are literally created to satisfy me and should be open to sleep with me but even then I would not abuse them and treat them with respect.

"While I admit you are beautiful and I am more than willing to keep you in my bed it has to be your choice" I continued to tell her. She just nodded her mouth open in disbelief.

"My Khal please take me in. My father often sees me as a burden. He would sell me for less, the only reason he has not is because he thought he would not have to pay anything while he passes through your territory" She said to me pleadingly I nodded at this I assumed that was the case. I was the only option she had. I sighed at this.

"Very well do not worry I will not force myself on you however do you have skills that I can use?" I asked her about her capabilities. She quickly nodded at this.

"Yes my khal I am proficient in making clothing and even perfumes however I do not know if that will be useful." She said to me maybe for the dothraki but not for me.

"This will be perfect, this will help not as the khal but for another purpose for me" I smiled at her. "May I know your name?" I asked her she smiled beautifully at me

"Yes my lord my name Hylia" She said to me with reverence covering her face.