Ch 7: Level Up

'+5 experience from killing Blood Jackal.'

'LEVEL UP! You are now level 2," a robotic voice filled his ear.

The moment he heard the sound, he felt that his heart stopped. A feeling of his heart exploding then followed. Then a sense of energy crawled throughout his veins and overflowed in his body. Although it is not extremely visible to the outside, he felt that there are about thousands of ants biting his body.

These changes only took a few seconds. Then the overwhelming power gradually wore off. Flexing his muscles, he felt that he is stronger and more agile.

"Finally! I leveled up!"


Name: Zane Malfoy

Level: 2

Strength: 2.8

Agility: 2.7

Perception: 6

Constitution: 2.9

Mana Capacity: 0

Unallocated Attribute Points: 3

Unallocated Skill Points: 1

Experience 0/100

Looking at the changes, all of his stats were boosted by +1 point. He was almost three times stronger, more agile, and more durable than any average man.

'With 3 free attributes, where do I put it?'

Remembering the power of magic, he was very eager to add it on 'Mana,' but after thinking it through, he disregarded the idea.

'3 points might be the most crucial points I will need to survive the arena. Having Mana is all cool and all, but not knowing any spells is like having bullets without a gun,' convincing himself.

Thinking about the situations he has been through, 'The best thing to do is add on Agility and Strength. Both of the stats will help him dodge and run faster.'

'It seems also that Perception is the one that helped me avoid some of the Blood Jackal, my hearing and eyesight are better. There was also a time when I almost got clawed behind me, I am assuming that it was Perception who gave me the warning.'

Without further ado, he added 2 points on agility and 1 point on strength. Now his agility total is at 4.7 and his strength at 3.8.

Once added, he felt that the thousands of ants were back again chewing his insides. Gritting his teeth, he endured for a few seconds till it was gone.

'If I cannot kill them, might as well run away,' he thought.

'Now, for the skill points, I have two choices, hmm which one is the best? Swordsmanship or Cleave?'

Suddenly, he heard a shout from Old Gramps.

"Zane stop daydreaming! We have to move, we are very close to the center!"

Nodding, Zane and Old Gramps started running away. A few meters from them, they can see and hear many screams of misery being devoured alive by the Blood Jackals.

The only thing they could do was to ignore it and move forward. As they were running, Old Gramps was surprised. Zane can now keep up with him.

'He has potential,' he thought.

Meanwhile, two Blood Jackals intercepted them from their sides. "Zack, I will hold on those two, you keep running and join the group up ahead!"

Without waiting for Zane's response, Old Gramps increased his pace and threw short axes two the bloodhound. Both Blood Jackals were able to dodge but were enraged. Ignoring Zane, one leaped to bite Old Gramp's hand and the other a swift claw aiming towards his head. Old Gramps was able to dodge the first Jackal that aimed at his arms. The second attack left a gash on his chest area.

"I am too old for this shit." In his prime, even if 10 Blood Jackals come to him. He will probably be able to slaughter it all without breaking a sweat.

Puffing and huffing, Old Gramps' breathing started getting heavier. He held on to his chest with his right hand while his left was on to his axe.

The Blood Jackals were about to continue its attack when Zane's sword pierced one of the Blood Jackal's torsos, leaving a deep cut.

Disappointed with the result, "I was aiming for the head."

The second Blood Jackal charged for a bite but Zane was able to dodge on the left side easily. Grinning, Zane was pleased with his agility. Although his strength was meager, the sharpness of his sword easily tore through the skin of the Blood Jackal.

With one incapacitated and wailing, the other one tried to retreat but Old Zhao's throwing axe was faster and chopped one of its limbs.

Unable to stand up, before the Blood Jackal checked the situation, a sword was able to slice through its neck, decapitating it. Afterward, he immediately runs toward the incapacitated Blood Jackal killing it.

"Zane, you have a tendency of violence," Old Zhao was shaking his head. Zane could not reply, in his mind, "EXP!"

Both started running again. Zane looked over his stats and saw 10/100. "I will need 18 more Blood Jackals to level up again," he said in his mind.

As they got closer to the center of the arena, up ahead, they saw that the slaves made a rotating circular formation. In the outer wall of the circle were hundred of slaves forming a wall were armed with spears. Meanwhile, inside the circle, archers and other wounded slaves were there.

Although the circular formation had many flaws, it helped the slaves protect their rear and continuously rotate with other slaves if one was wounded or tired. Zane saw that more than a hundred of the Blood Jackals died on this formation alone.

Many of the Blood Jackals were in a berserk state and were not able to think through. They lacked the fear of the circular formation leading to more death of their kind.

Arriving in the center, Old Gramps seemed to know who was leading this group. After talking to one of the slaves holding a spear, they were let through inside the formation.

Entering the camp, Zane saw a couple of wounded slaves, men, women, and children. Some lost their limbs, and some died through lacerations and multiple bite marks.