Ch 19: Medicine Man

After the whole ordeal with Cray, Gerax brought him back to the arena. Zane expected people to get revenge on him, so he prepared himself. However, none came. He saw how a tall dark-skinned muscular guy at level 9 just casually kicked him on the side saying that he was an eyesore to everyone. He probably won't be able to walk again based on nobody would want to help him,

This time around he was matched with a Level 8 with better stats. With all the commotions he made. He started to lay low, however, his skill in swordsmanship amazed some of the gladiators. With Gerax watching on the side, pleased with what he sees.

Before dawn, they were all moved back to the Umbra's main courthouse, where Jezebel resides. They were welcomed by Boza, the one-eye brute and the main housekeeper.

"Congratulations on surviving! You are now an official gladiator of the House Umbra" clapping his hands.

"Previously you were slaves but now you elevated yourself and became something more..."

"When can we be free?" One of the slaves asked.

"Free?" Boza chucked.

"You just came and you already started asking if you will be free? Foolish thought. You do not have the right to ask that question. However, once you win and survive more battles, then, ask me again."

"Follow me!"

Bova brought the whole company towards where they will eat, sleep, train, and gather.

"Sleep and rest well today, we have a big day tomorrow."

Some of the slaves were startled. They just survived the horror. Afraid to ask if there will be another bloodbath tomorrow.

Bova, seeing all the slaves startled. "Fear not! Tomorrow there won't be any gladiator fight, but it will be more something different. I will explain it to you tomorrow so rest well."

Zane was exhausted the whole day, falling asleep within minutes, not even bothered one bit about his surroundings and uncomfortable bed.

Early in the morning, Bova gathered everyone and traveled to one of the largest dome architecture.

Looking around, Zane was surprised at how big the place is. He estimated that the whole area is as large as two mega sports complexes combined together. The place is bustling with activities with slaves coming back and forth.

"Here is the place where you will be assigned for your secondary work."

"Secondary work? I thought we are gladiators? Shouldn't we just focus on getting stronger?" Zane asked.

"Correct, you are a Gladiator. Your main priority is to get stronger. However, as mentioned before, you were elevated to something more. Here in the City of Capricia, Gladiators are honored by the populace. "

"Most of the nobles abide by its founding rules and regulation. Breaking its culture and traditions can lead to punishment from high royalties. Nobody knows whose controlling it behind the shadows but it is pointless for you guys to know."

"Every gladiator is required to have a second job. At the moment, you will be handed mean works. However, in the future, you will be given choices based on your merit and performance in the arena. You have the choice to accept it or not. Furthermore, this place is not just for work. This is the place where you will receive your points."

"Points?" murmured the group.

"Yes. Points. The best way to get points is through surviving a gladiator battle. The second one is through your acquired secondary work."

"These points that you received are yours to keep or to trade for your other necessities. You can use it to strengthen by buying better weapons or use it for self-indulgences. Outside Commerce Building, you will find shops and all kinds of places that provide pleasures of men to release your stress."

"You are allowed to come here once you are done with your battle or after training. Failure to present yourself a day before the battle or your training will automatically brand you as a deserter. Deserters are killed on the spot."

After explaining some of the rules and where they will go, Bova started to walk away. Turning his head, he said to them sternly, "Word of advice, use your points wisely."

Zane went to one of the stands with a long line of gladiators. When it was his turn, he was handed out a long list of jobs he can choose from. The most common job is a stationary guard or patrolman with the lowest pay and with no requirement. There are more advanced jobs that require knowledge with things, such as teacher, medicine man, blacksmith, animal breeder, candle maker, and more.

Zane looked at the list and he is caught in a dilemma, "Hmm, I can try being a medicine man but there is a warning that states that killing multiple patients can lead to punishment. Reading the job description, so 'accidentally' killing one is okay, but multiple is not? "

After registering his information and specifying his job, he gave it to the worker.

"Medicine man? Aren't you a bit too young? Anyway, I don't really care. It is your funeral. That job has been a vacant one for a long time now. People avoid that job because they are afraid of being infected themselves," warned the worker.

"Coming out of Commerce Building, you need to go to the north. Pass the market, then you will find the barracks, then ask around where the healing tent is located."

Coming out of the northern exit of the building, he saw a very busy market, it is much worst than NY, Chinatown on festivals and holidays. Zane can hear slaves bartering with the shopkeepers and people arguing left and right.

Zane was also too eager to check out the market, however, time is not enough. For sure he will find all kinds of stuff with his eyes. However, he doesn't have enough money to even buy anything. As a new gladiator, the worker gave him an initial 20 contribution points converted to 20 gray paper bills.

It will take hours to find the barracks by himself. So he found a shabby carriage that cost 1 contribution per ride. Soon enough, he was dropped in front of a massive gate, behind it large gray stone walls can be seen. Zane can feel the eerieness of the place just standing outside. Here is the place where most of the guards in Slave City live. Commoner Guards have a higher reputation than the gladiator guards since the latter came from slavery.

The common guards are treated better, trained better, and respected better. How both guards are differentiated is through their looks. The most common guards has chainmail armors and shiny weapons while the slave guards wore ragtag clothes and a bit rustic weapons.

Coming closer, he went to the guard and showed his identification. The guard looked at him a bit skeptical, he just nodded and made a hand sign behind him. An old slave man came to Zane and brought him inside.

"Hello, my name is Zane and I am the medicine man," with a smile Zane introduced himself.


The slave just looked at him and did not introduce himself but only said, "follow me".

After 10 minutes of walking, Zane can smell a rotten smell, he knew that it was a smell of dead bodies. Soon enough, he was brought to a large room filled with people wailing. Previously working in a hospital before, he was disgusted with the place. The floor's color is red and black, littered with all kinds of stuff including some flesh meat, bandages, and some trash that made him almost vomit.

"What is this hellhole?" Zane muttered trying to hold his vomit.