
South Atlantic late September

The sound of the waves crashing into each other as the thunder sounded and the artillery pounded. The wrath of the Sirens that was cast over the Atlantic is coming to an end. The roar of the planes and the sound of Jericho Trumpets tore through the air when the thunder rested.

Ironblood and Royal Navy forces fought their way to a small fortified island. The last stronghold of the Siren menace in the Atlantic. The island was heavily defended by mass produced artificial ships and artificial soldiers, neither of which had a conscious of their own. They are commanded by the Sirens to kill without mercy. On their own, they pose little threat to Azur Lane forces, but when they are grouped up in mass, then that's a different story.

This assault on the Siren base had more than 100 Royal Navy, Ironblood, and other various faction ships taking part. This was the largest concentration of warships that Azur Lane had ever launched against the Sirens in the war. The flagships, Queen Elizabeth and Bismarck, led the charge. The 15 Royal Navy and 15 Ironblood assault force members made land fall on the small island. The ship girls are less effective on land, but still a threat not to be taken lightly. Explosions filled the island's center. Soon the explosions came closer and closer to the shoreline.

A girl with a small physique waited on the shoreline. Her gold hair blew in the wind as the two ear like pieces flowed along with it. Her 15in. battleship guns on her sides and sticking out of her back stood out on her relatively small frame. She stood there with her sword in hand, ready for what was coming. Soon, in a flash, a battleship-class Siren shot out of the remaining foliage and right at her. She's small compared to most other Sirens; her height and physique are almost the same as the blond-haired battleship standing in front of her. Her equipment flailed around, having been damaged by the Royal Navy and Ironblood. She wore an eyepatch with a gold center on her right eye and her left eye shined bright gold.

"Warspite!" The Siren called out as she lunged at Warspite with her bare fists. "If I'm going to die, I'm going to take you down with me, bitch!" She wound back and punched with all her full force against Warspite.

Warspite used her sword's flat side and braced on the back of it with her right hand to absorb the blow. The blow forced her back on the unstable ocean. She managed to regain her buoyancy quickly.

"You will pay for what you did to me at the River Plate, Warspite! I'm going to rip your fucking head off!" The Siren stood there on the water getting ready to launch her next attack at Warspite.

"You won't beat me, Smasher. You have no honor, and those who do not have honor have no resolve. I failed to execute you the last time we met. By Her Majesty's orders I will not settle for your eye this time." Warspite raised her sword. "I will end this feud between us right now!"

Smasher scoffed at Warspite. "Every time you speak, I want to rip your throat out even more, Warspite!" Smasher ripped off a solid piece of metal from her equipment that wasn't destroyed. She held it in a unrefined way, unlike how Warspite held her sword. Smasher launched her attack at Warspite.

Warspite answered with her own charge at Smasher. The two clashed with such ferocity that it caused others ships in the area to stop because of the shockwaves of their attacks. It's as if the two battleships are the ones that created the thunder that rocked the air.

Smasher and Warspite rocked the waves as each took blows. Warspite took a hit from a strong right swing that knocked out her A turret. In return though, she sliced right through the rest of Smasher's already damaged equipment. This didn't affect Smasher in the slightest as she imposed her presence right in front of Warspite. Smasher was too close for Warspite to swing her sword effectively, but that also applied to Smasher with her weapon. Now it's not about who's better with a weapon, but who is stronger. The two grabbed each other's hands trying to force the other back to give the killing blow.

The two ferocious battleships stood there in stalemate. Neither were willing to budge. The two stood strong as they stared at each other's eyes. This battle of strength is solely dependent on the arm strength and how strong their grip is. Warspite tightened her grip knowing that she won't lose. For years she has been practicing and swinging her sword. Her sword was not light, and thanks to that she would not lose a battle like this. So, at that point she let out a sudden burst of strength, completely crushing Smasher's hands. Smasher dropped her weapon squirming as Warspite punched her in the face and forced her back.

Smasher staggered back as she tried to regain her balance, shrieking in pain. She yelled at Warspite again. " You bitch!"

Before Smasher could say anything else, Warspite closed the distance immediately and sliced her sword right across Smasher's neck. Smasher head was cut clean off, and her blood splattered on Warspite. The headless body fell into the ocean to be eaten up by the waves.

Warspite stood there victorious as she regained her breath. She looked down at the lifeless, headless, body as it was slowly devoured by the ocean. She used to show remorse and compassion to her enemies. She didn't want to kill them at first, but she did when she learned of the atrocities they committed against human kind. She realized that these monsters deserved no sympathy, no mercy. They are the ones who started this war. She is here to put an end to it. There is no other way she can look at it. This is her job, as is all the other girls who fight to save humanity. This is their kismet, this is why they are here.

Warspite brought her hand to her ear and pressed the radio ear piece she had. " This is Warspite, Smasher has been eliminated."

Soon after she heard a voice with a strong British accent." Well done, Warspite. Return to me immediately so we can finish this fight."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Warspite lowered her hand and the radio cut out. She took a deep breath and headed back into battle to meet up with Queen Elizabeth.

North Side of Island

The fighting is extremely fierce as Ironblood forces in the north are led by Roon. Her savage appetite for destruction, to satisfy her own lust has no rival. She ripped through any Siren ship that stood in her way.

" Kill her!" Screamed Chaser, a light cruiser type Siren. She knew if Roon got close, she was as good as dead. Her orders meant nothing to Roon, though. Roon busted right through her line of defense.

Before Chaser could bark out another order or even fight back, Roon grabbed her by the throat as she lifted her. Roon's eyes were filled with sexual passion, as if this is her desire, what she craved to do. To her, there's no better pleasure than killing her enemy, releasing them from this plane of existence. Chaser tried to pry Roon's hand off her. This resulted in Roon using her full force and crushing Chaser's throat.

Chaser hands let go of Roon's wrist and her arms fell to her sides as she hung there lifeless. Roon looked at her, her red eyes beaming bright. "Oh what pleasure! Almost nothing can match this feeling, it's just so intoxicating! Hehehe, hahaha!"

A voice spoke out behind Roon. " My, my, you are as sadistic as ever Roon." A girl with white hair with a red stripe of hair showed up behind Roon. She swung her hips alluringly as she walked up to Roon.

" Oh, Eugen, there's no better pleasure than this." She swung around still holding the dead Chaser by throat.

" Oh, I don't know about that Roon. I'm positive there is a more pleasant way to have your fill of delight." She licked her lips seductively.

" Well Eugen, not all of us have a Commander to go back to." Roon looked at the dead Chaser one more time before tossing her in the water. " You see Prinz Eugen, some of us have different needs." She walked closer to Eugen. " For me, seeing my enemies struggle for life as they try to cling on to it, there's no better feeling. Seeing them take their last breath as they leave our world in a painful, suffering way. I guarantee there's nothing that can compare to the pleasure of it. It really brings me to life, as I take someone else's."

Prinz Eugen backed up a little. " You know Roon, times like these are when I'm happy to be on the same side as you. Roon just giggled at Eugen's comment. Suddenly Eugen's ear piece went off. She reached up to it and responded. " Yes, Roon has dispatched Chaser. Yes, ok we will start with the clean up operation." She lowered her hand and sighed. " This was such a taxing day, but we did it. We have captured the Siren base and killed the commanding Sirens. Roon, I'll leave cleaning up the mass produced ships to you. I'm going to relay our success to AL HQ."

"Go, go, I have everything under control here. I'm going to go enjoy myself." Roon quickly sped off.

Eugen let out a sigh. " Finally, I can go see my beloved Commander again."

3 hours later

Mid Pacific, Azur Lane base Alpha

A girl quickly ran through the halls of the naval base holding a piece of paper. Her turquoise hair and ears go crazy as she moved hastily . She arrived it front of a double door trying to catch her breath. She knocked on the door. She heard a manly voice through it. " Come in."

She opened the door. Two people stood in there. The Commander, and his secretary, Belfast. Before she could say anything, the Commander spoke. " Ah Aoba, what news have you brought me today?"

" Wait, Commander how'd you know I had news?" Aoba tilted her head wondering.

The Commander laughed. " That's obvious, Aoba, it's because it's you. You either bring me gossip, or news from the front, sometimes both.

Aoba blushed. " Am I really that predictable? Wait, nevermind that, I got orders from HQ to give this to you." She walked up to the Commander and handed him a letter.

He grabbed it and started reading it. His eyes widened and he quickly stood up. " Belfast, will you please fetch my jacket for me?"

" Yes, Master." Belfast walked over to the closet and grabbed the white Navy Commander's jacket. As she did this, the Commander put files and papers in his business case.

Belfast walked over to the Commander and helped him put on his jacket. " Thank you, Belfast." She bowed at his kind words to her. "Aoba, I'm heading to the Union. I need you to relay any important information to Belfast. Also have Fleet 3 prepare my departure."

" Yes, sir!" Aoba quickly left as Belfast and the Commander followed suit. The two of them walked down the hallways.

" Belfast, I may be gone for a few weeks ok?"

" Yes Master. If I may ask, what was that letter about?" She continued to walk slightly behind him.

" Ah, well it's not a secret. I'll tell you, but when I get back I'll announce it to everyone. The war in the Atlantic is over. Since I'm Supreme Commander in the Pacific, they need me at the summit in the Eagle Union. We will be discussing plans for Operation Siren and Operation Oceanic Freedom."

" I see, that is certainly good news to hear Master." The two of them continued walking until the Commander stopped suddenly. He heard a commotion outside which caused him to stop.

" What is going on out there? He walked up to the window. " What in the hell?"

" What is the matter, Master?" Belfast looked at the Commander.

" There's a man out there. It's hard to see with all the girls surrounding him, but it looked like he is wearing some sort of pilots gear. Damn, I don't have time to deal with this. Belfast, can you please look into who that is and why is he on my base?"

" Yes Master, I'll look into it immediately."

" Thank you." He walked up to her and surprised her with a kiss. "I'll see you when I get back."

The calm and collected Belfast showed a rare blush to the Commander. " You know better than to do that at work, Master."

" Oh I do, but I figured I can get a pass since it'll be a few weeks till I get to see you again."

" You can be such a handful, Master."

"Hehe, I'll see you later." The Commander headed off to the port.

Belfast walked over and looked out the window to the commotion in the courtyard. She noticed Enterprise and Thomas making their way out of the commotion to the port. She looked curiously at them as she put her hand on her chin. " Miss Enterprise, just who is that to you?"

Outskirts of the port

Thomas and Enterprise walked up the hill just outside the port. Thomas stares at the port. His eyes don't deceive him as he recognized a silhouette illuminated by the moon. " That's a Yorktown-Class aircraft carrier, that is my Enterprise."

Enterprise stepped forward next to him. " Yes, that's me down there, or more so my rigging."

Thomas looked at Enterprise with a confused look. Rigging? What do you mean?"

Enterprise looked ahead at her ship. " I'll make it simple for you so can understand, that is the ship you know. I am one and the same with it. When the time for battle is nigh, I'll call upon my ship and it will turn into equipment that I can use in my human form you see before you."

Thomas puts his hand on his head trying to process the information. " This is super weird. So what you are saying is that you can call upon that Enterprise down there when you need it?"

Enterprise nodded. " Yes. Of course, I have to be near it when the time comes."

Thomas let out a sigh. " What in the hell is this place? This whole world is so unreal, this feels like a fiction book I'm in."

" I know. It is to hard to believe. I want to show you more so all of this becomes clear to you. Please follow me down to the port." Enterprise walked forward signaling Thomas to follow her.

Thomas just let out a deep breath and followed her. The walk was quite, Enterprise knew he was trying to wrap his brain around this whole situation he was thrown in. She wanted him to be with his own thoughts so he could come to terms with this world and with her. The two of them arrived in front of the massive carrier. The two of them walked inside and immediately Thomas put is hand on the cold metal. He lets out a slight smile.

" This is a feeling I could never forget. This brings back a lot of memories." He remembered back when he first arrived on Enterprise. The first time he ever landed his Dauntless on her. When he opened up the canopy and got out, he marveled at the beauty of the ship. He marveled for so long that he was told to get off the flight deck. He took his hand off the metal and continued to follow Enterprise. They made their way up to the flight deck silently.

He walked on top of the flight deck, going through all the planes that were on it. He noticed each plane had their squadron insignia. On some of the Hellcats he saw an insignia that he knew well, the VF-10 Grim Reapers. He fought many battles in that squadron. Battle of the Santa Cruz Islands, the hell that was Guadalcanal, and then the one he was shot down in, the Philippine Sea. His thoughts were disrupted when he saw a certain symbol on a SBD dive-bomber. It was a blue ram, the symbol for VB-6. It was the squadron he flew with in the Battle of Midway. He slowly made his way to the plane. When he got to the Dauntless and placed his hand on it, his head started pounding.

He fell backwards dropping his crutch. "Thomas!" Enterprise cuaght him before he fell. " Thomas what's wrong?"

Thomas screamed as he putshis hands on his head. His head is throbbing and his thoughts were all over the place. All he heard is flak and the sound of bullets screaming in his ears. " It won't stop, there's too much flak! It's going to get me, it's going to tear me apart!"

Enterprise watched in horror as Thomas screamed in pain. She stood there speechless, she didn't know what to say or do. The whole situation turned so precipitously that she had no time to process what's happening.

Screams echoed. "No, no! It got Derrick! Derrick! Oh my god! There's nothing left of him...he's just blood and bone spattered and I'm going to be next! Dive! Dive! " Thomas was keening in his fear a he threw himself physically on the ground, dragging Enterprise with him. She didn't know what was going on, but it was clear Thomas was not there with her in the cold September night.

" Thomas!" Enterprise franticly tries to think of words to say. "Thomas you are safe now. You have a second chance here." She scooted around to face Thomas.

"I'm not safe. I'm not. I'm not..." Thomas trailed off as the nightmare scene starts to fade and Enterprise slowly comes into focus out of the smoke and ash of his memories. "Oh, Enterprise. I lost so many friends. Thomas starts to cry. " I lost so many friends, I failed to save them and many others. It hurts so much. Why, why was I the one who survived? There were so many better men who deserved to live. I don't deserve a second chance like this."

Tears start to form in Enterprise's eyes as she wrapped her arms around him. " That's not true. Yes you lost many friends along the way, but you also saved countless lives. While troop transports were trying to land, you were protecting them in the heavens above. You and the other brave men who fought were their guardian angels. You... you were also mine. So please don't say that. You deserve to live a life you never got. Carry on with all the memories you have of them. You are living proof from our world. Tell their stories, live with pride that you knew those brave men, not guilt."

Thomas wrapped his arms around Enterprise. "Is it really ok for me to have a second chance?"

Enterprise laid her head on his shoulder. " Yes it is. We may not know why you are here or how you got here, but you were given a chance to live like us ships were. Yes, we still fight, but we are still able to live lives we never had. It took a lesson from a close friend of mine to show me this. So live how you want."

" Thank you Enterprise." He let out a chuckle with tears still falling from his eyes. " It's funny, I just met you, but it feels like I've known you for years."

Enterprise chuckled. " You dummy. We have known each other for years. Don't forget, I am still the same Enterprise you knew before."

" Hehe, I guess you're right." Thomas stopped and thought. " Hey Enterprise, I don't know what's wrong with me. I never had that happen to me before. At least not on that scale. If what you said is true, will you help me if I need it? Will you help me live a life I never had?"

She looked Thomas in the eyes. She stared deep into his blue eyes with solid determination. " Of course, you are my pilot and I'm your Enterprise. Even if the whole world goes against you, I'll stay by your side to the end."

He smiled weakly. " That's reassuring. Do you mind if we head over the bridge structure? I just want to rest against that like I used too."

" Of course." The two of them broke their hug as she helped him over to the base of the bridge and helped him down.

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. " This takes me back. It's comforting."

" I know. You've always liked this spot. I swear you spent more time here than anywhere else on the ship." Enterprise sat down next to him.

" Hehe, I don't know why. This spot was always nice." He let his body relax and he fell asleep at his favorite spot.

Enterprise scooted closer to Thomas as he started to lean towards her. His head lays on her shoulder as she closed her eyes and smiled. " No matter what, I promise to stay by your side."