

"Hey, hey! Aisha!" Lorian said excitedly, jumping up and down excitedly. Aisha smiled softly as she looked at what her mistress had clutched in her hands as she moved excitedly, her breasts bouncing up and down in front of Aisha's vision. As the overexcited woman began to calm down, Aisha took the little square box from her mistress's hands, staring at the thing curiously. It was a little paper box with a little flap, and Aisha had trouble putting her fingernails underneath the packaging.


"What is this?" She asked, struggling with the cellophane.

"It's cards! Play with me!" Lorian said with a big smile. "It'll be fun! Fen and Kasha taught me a game!"

"Uuuhh… okay!" Aisha responded happily. She loved playing games with her mistress. "How do you play?"


Lorian took the packet of cards from Aisha's hands and sat down next to her, pulling the small girl into her lap. She swayed her head side to side happily as she squeezed Aisha in her arms, explaining the game.

"Okay, so these are cards! They've got these little…"


Aisha quickly zoned out in the heat and comfort of her mistress's arms. Faintly, she could recognize that she should be… listening to her explain the game, but the feeling of her mistress's breasts on her back, and the faint vibration from her chest just felt so nice…




"...And then whoever has the most cards wins!" Lorian finished explaining. "Did you get that?"



Lorian frowned and took Aisha's face in her hands, tilting it to look at her. Seeing the blissed out expression on her face… made Lorian smile in half frustration, and half affection.


"Come on!" She whined, shaking Aisha in her lap. "I wanna play! You gotta listen!"


"Listen to me!" Lorian pouted. "Or I'll punish you!"


Aisha grew stiff at the looming threat of punishment. She had never been punished before, since she was a good girl, but more than she didn't want to be punished, she didn't want to make her mistress unhappy enough that she would.


She steeled her will, taking on a determined expression, fighting the urge to zone out and just sink into her mistress's body. It was difficult, for sure. Mistress was just so warm and soft, and sitting in her lap made Aisha just want to turn around, wrap her arms around her and snuggle close… bury her nose in her chest and just bask in her presence…


But she was supposed to listen! She said she would! No matter how much she wanted to just… fall asleep.




Aisha was knocked out of her stupor when Lorian shook her in her lap, the girl dimly aware of the sensation, but reality quickly caught up with her.


"...Aisha! Aisha!" Lorian said crossly. When Aisha turned around fearfully, she was met with a stern gaze, and fear suffused her heart.


"I said I was going to punish you…" Lorian started with a sigh, shaking her head. "And even though I don't… eh?"


Lorian felt a faint shaking from within her lap, and was prepared to scold Aisha for giggling - her punishment wasn't going to feel good at all, it was going to be… extremely painful, and she wanted Aisha to know that.


But the sight that greeted her wasn't laughter or giddiness.


"I'm sorry." Aisha croaked, rubbing at her eyes with her hands. "I'm sorry I couldn't…"

"A-are you crying?" Lorian asked, shocked.

"I can't do anything right…" Aisha said painfully, burying her face in her hands, starting to choke on her words. "I'm sorry-*hic* mistress."


"Ah… Geez! I-It's just… it's just a game, okay? I'm not mad." Lorian reassured, trying to get at Aisha's cheek with her hand, but it was difficult while Aisha had her face covered.

"I don't even have enough… strength to concentrate for five minutes… I'm a loser." Aisha said bitterly. "I don't deserve to… have you take care of me. I'm useless."


"Hey…" Lorian sighed. "Don't say that. I… um… love you, okay. Don't cry… I'll always l-love you. No matter what."


Lorian bit her lip as she told the crying girl in her arms that she loved her. It was just… embarrassing, in such an intimate setting… with Aisha breaking down in her arms… Lorian didn't know what else to do. Every time Aisha shook a bit, sent a wave of grief into Lorian's heart. She felt the same anguish that Aisha did.


"Hey, please… don't cry…" Lorian said in a soothing, yet pleading, desperate tone. She wrapped one arm around Aisha's head, beginning to pat and stroke her ears, while the other wrapped around her midsection, both sending soothing feelings into the anguished fey. The act seemed to work, and Aisha's shaking and sniffling stopped, although Lorian still could tell that the girl was in pain.


"What's the problem?" Lorian begged. "We all screw up sometimes, okay? You're not useless… I'm glad that I get to take care of you."

"You're just… consoling me." Aisha muttered, with her head hanging low and eyes downcast. "Can you really name a single thing that I'm good at?"

Lorian shook her head. "It's not about that."


"Then what is it about?" Aisha said bitterly. "If I'm not good at anything… If I don't serve any purpose… then why am I even living?"


Lorian was silent… it wasn't a question that she had an answer to, and any that she would give Aisha wouldn't soothe the girl, so she just sat there silently, continuing to softly rub Aisha on the head, in the hopes that she would calm down. But her efforts didn't work, and some of the light in Aisha's eyes began to drain out, almost resembling those dead eyes that she had had so long ago, back in the cages.


"Why shouldn't I just die?" Aisha choked out.

"I would be sad." Lorian whispered softly, stroking Aisha's head. "And you promised!"

"But why!?" Aisha demanded, her hands balling into fists. "Why do you care about me!? Why can't you just… why can't you just let me… suffer!?"


"Because I love you!" Lorian blurted out, her eyes going wide, and her grip going tight on Aisha, as if she was clutching onto her life. "Because… you make me happy. Because I love it when you hug me, and you make cute sounds, and I love it when I feed you food, and you lick my hand even though…"


Aisha blushed as Lorian poured her heart out from behind her, breathing heavily into her sensitive ears. Was all of it… true? Did her mistress really love her that much, and so… passionately?

Just being in her mistress's presence made Aisha's heartbeat accelerate. Being with her was a blessing that Aisha treasured dearly, and she spent every moment trying to make her happy, to see that amazing, radiant, warm smile.


The sadness in her mistress's expression made Aisha feel guilty. She wanted to make her feel better. And that meant…


"...And sometimes, when you get to sleep before me, I'll steal a kiss from you, because I-I-I'm scared to do it while you're awake…"


Lorians voice dropped to a whisper, and she turned scarlet red as Aisha turned around to look at her mistress with an equally red expression.

"W-what?" She whispered, not believing her ears. Lorian just pretended to not hear her, with a guilty expression, turning her face away to avoid the embarrassment of her confession.

"J-just… I love you, okay." Lorian whimpered. "So… if nothing else… please live for me."


Aisha turned around with a shy expression and took one of Lorian's hand in her own, only whispering a small, "Okay." Lorian hugged Aisha in relief, glad that Aisha had calmed down, and that they could return to cuddling. Glad that they could go back to normalcy, drowning in each other's affections.


But unbeknownst to the woman, something inside Aisha had changed. As she pulled away from her, there was a new determination inside the girl, influenced by her love for her mistress, and her passionate words to the girl. In Aisha's mind, there was only one thought. The girl clutched her mistress tight against her body.


(I live… to make her happy…)


As the new purpose flowed through Aisha's being, a serene smile crept onto her face, as suddenly, her tumultuous thoughts… her insecurities, her weakness… all of it didn't matter anymore.


Why would it, when everything was so clear? All that mattered was making mistress happy. And if Aisha made her happy, then… there was only one course of action for her to take. And that was to live, live for her mistress. To please her mistress was her only purpose. Aisha finally had... something she was good at. Something she could do.


Although, there was a bit of sadness permeating through Aisha's serenity. Mistress could never know, since-


"Eh?" Aisha said in surprise, as her midsection was seized by her mistress, and she was unceremoniously moved off of her lap. Aisha made a weak attempt to get back on, but Lorian had a determined expression, and she held the girl at arm's length.


"I said I was going to punish you, didn't I?" Lorian said sternly, but with a slightly mischievous, joking tone, as if the woman was going to break out into giggles. Aisha gave her an apprehensive look, but Lorian's will was surprisingly firm when it came to these kinds of things.

"Uwww… That's right." Aisha mumbled. "Okay…"


Although Aisha gave an apprehensive front, she was actually holding back giggles. What could her mistress possibly do to her that Aisha wouldn't absolutely LOVE. Hell, mistress could probably slap her, and it would still feel pleasant to her, so there was nothing-


"Your punishment… is to listen to me explain this game while not touching me!"

"Wha-" Aisha sputtered. "T-that's not fair! I-I-I…"


"Okay, mistress." Aisha said sheepishly, relenting at Lorian's sly expression. She curled her hands into fists, placing them on her knees as she braced herself for the hell that was to come.




"So did you get it?" Lorian asked.

"Y-yes…" Aisha mumbled, looking down in her lap. The girl was physically shaking with the desire to leap back into her mistress's arms, her arms and face longing for the loving warmth and amazing scent. Lorian smirked as she saw Aisha's whimpering expression.


"Okay okay." Lorian conceded, holding her arms wide. "Come here."


Aisha flung herself into Lorian's arms, burying her face into the woman's shoulder and rubbing her nose into the woman's soft skin. Lorian giggled as she stroked Aisha's head, her ears spasming and jerking erratically in pleasure, as the woman they loved most rubbed the little tips, and massaged the fluffy, sensitive insides.


Aisha couldn't help but mewl and purr. Cuddling just never got old, it was always a warm, amazing ecstasy that just coursed through her veins, building up in her heart and gut, until she had to let out the heat in the form of a primal moan.


"Mistressss…" Aisha moaned. "Nnnnnn…"

"You're so adorable." Lorian cooed. "Ahhh… But you know, I do want to play…"

"I wanna play like this." Aisha mumbled into her shoulder.


Lorian giggled. "You know that we can't do that!"



Aisha groaned as Lorian once more removed the girl from her lap, smiling slyly at the kicked-puppy expression on Aisha's little face.


"Spread your legs." She commanded.



Aisha went red in her face as Lorian put her smooth hands on the smaller girl's exposed thighs, prying them apart at a 90 degree angle. The fey stammered as she placed her hands on top of Lorian's, but the motion was more in an attempt to brace herself, rather than to stop her mistress.

"Hm." Lorian frowned. "Going to have to work on that flexibility. For… later."



Aisha closed her eyes shut as Lorian leaned forward, preparing for whatever in hell the woman was going to do to her… And was surprised when she felt a bit of weight on top of her thighs. She opened her eyes, and regret it instantly when she saw Lorian's face, pressed right up against hers, breathing softly and staring affectionately at Aisha. She could see the warm, brown irises, the same color as the woman's hair, and Aisha almost fell over at the embarrassing proximity.


"We can play like this." Lorian breathed out, looking downwards. Aisha followed her gaze, and she saw that Lorian had also widened her legs, sitting on top of Aisha with only a small little diamond in the middle of their legs to put the cards on. Aisha gulped, their panties only a few inches away from touching, Lorian's lacy, black ones contrasting with Aisha's small, whites.


Lorian split the deck in half and pressed one of the halves into Aisha's shocked hands. "Let's play."




Aisha had tried incredibly hard to focus on the game. She honestly had. But their proximity, combined with their suggestive position, and Lorian's amazingly sweet scent, and airy giggles just completely shut Aisha's brain down. She only had a few cards left.


"Let's make this more interesting." Lorian purred.

"Y-yeah? What?" Aisha mumbled.

"Let's say the winner… gets to do whatever they want to the loser."

"W-what? T-that's unfair! I'm already losing by so much…" Aisha whined. "B-besides… you… already can do whatever you want to me…"


Lorian giggled. "Exactly. It's fair!"

"I g-guess…"


Lorian laughed as she put down a card immediately after, gently sliding the rest of Aisha's cards out of her hand. "I win!"

Aisha just gave her a petulant look. Lorian knew what she had done.


"Now let's see… What am I going to do to you…" Lorian giggled, putting her finger to her lip in a theatrical, over-exaggerated manner. "So many options…"

"Mmmm… what to doooo…"

"Aaahhhh… so difficult… what should I do to my adorable little kitten…"

"I wonder…"


Aisha let out a whine. "Just do it already! Stop dragging it ou-eehw."


Aisha just gave Lorian a strange look as her nose was squished against her face unpleasantly by Lorian's finger, as the woman bopped her nose. Lorian looked like she was immensely pleased with herself as Aisha rubbed her nose a little to get rid of the tingly sensation.


"Let's play again!" Lorian said with an earnest smile, and Aisha pouted in response, not displeased, but… .


"Aw, don't be like that!" Lorian giggled. "You'll win this time, I believe in you!"

"Okay mistress." Aisha mumbled.


The next time Lorian won, Aisha lasted slightly longer, but nonetheless…

"Hee hee!" Lorian giggled. "Mmm… what do I want…"

Aisha groaned. "Don't do this again."

"Okay okay." Lorian relented, smiling. "I want you to kiss me."



When Lorian pointed to her cheek, Aisha's heart rate quickly deccelerated to a normal pace. Of course, it was still beating rapidly, but just… a normal rapid. Aisha could handle a little kiss on the cheek. She could handle it. They had been so much closer before!


But as Aisha neared her mistress's face, her cheeks lit up alight at the pleased, affectionate gaze that Lorian looked at her with, and the girl recoiled slightly.

"What's wrong?" Lorian asked slyly, amused.

"I-I-I-" Aisha stammered. "U-um… J-just… give me a bit of time."

Lorian smirked. "Ok."


Aisha leaned in again, but just like last time, as soon as she saw those warm, amazing eyes, her heart started to wrench and she had to pull away right before her lips met her lover's cheek. Lorian giggled again.

"What's the problem?" She teased. "It's just a kiss on the cheek! I give those to you aaalll the time."

"I know that!" Aisha said, flushed. "I just… awwwwwbbbbvvvlllleaugh."


Lorian giggled again as Aisha went in again, this time closing her eyes, but again, she stopped before going through with it. Lorian huffed in frustration this time, the cuteness of the situation dying down and being replaced with an impatient air. Lorian wanted that kiss!


"Come on. Just do it quick." She said desperately. "It'll be over before you know it!"

"Okay okay!" Aisha said hastily, starting to breathe heavily. "I-I- let me just… heeaaaughhh…"



It was a full fifteen minutes before any progress was made.



"Come on." Lorian said, deadpan. "You don't have to do it… If you don't want to."

"No no no!" Aisha squeaked, panting heavily. "I-I can do it! I can do it!"

Lorian rolled her eyes. "Okay."


Aisha squeezed her eyes shut, and took a deep breath. Lorian watched her with half-lidded eyes as the girl physically shook with the effort she mustered, to not get embarrassed about kissing her mistress. Lorian sighed. It had been cute the first few times, but now she wanted to do something else!


Suddenly, Aisha's face went flying towards her, and they smashed their foreheads together as Aisha tried to give Lorian a kiss with her eyes closed.


"Ow!" Lorian yelped, and Aisha's eyes snapped open in horror.

"I-I-I'm so sorry!" Aisha said in a panic. "I-I-I didn't mean to! I-I-didn't mean to- Please punish me, beat me-"


Aisha's voice faltered, and her ears flattened against her head as Lorian began to laugh, rubbing at her forehead.

"I'm sorry, mistress… I'm such a bad girl…" She whimpered. "Please get rid of me…"

"I'm not going to do that!" Lorian giggled. "You did what I told you, after all."



Lorian pointed to her cheek, where there was a little wet spot where Aisha's mouth had hit her cheek, and suddenly Aisha felt embarrassed again. She wrung her hands together and looked down at her lap as her cheeks burned. She had just left a mark on her mistress's face… her bodily fluids were not on her… she had tarnished mistress's scent with her own…


A flood of emotions rushed through her. Guilt. Shame. Embarrassment. Arousal. She wanted to rush over to their bedroom and bury herself under the covers, and form her little cocoon. She just wanted to not be here, with her mistress staring at her with those loving, adoring eyes, that warm expression, that sent so much squirmish heat through her body…


"Aw, good girl." Lorian cooed, wrapping Aisha in her arms at the sight of her red expression, smiling. She giggled as she pressed her cheek into Aisha's head, relishing the feeling of their bodies touching, and the pure fluff on top of Aisha's head. She absolutely loved just rubbing her cheeks into her ears… it was a bit tickly, a little warm, and Aisha's ears fluttered a little bit under her ministrations, but above all else, it was amazingly fluffy, and felt absolutely amazing against Lorian's cheek.


"Fluffy, fluffy, fluffy…" Lorian moaned, delighted. "You're so fluffy, I love you…"

"Y-you're fluffy too." Aisha muttered, pressed up into Lorian's massive breasts. "You make me feel fluffy inside…"

"Aw…" Lorian cooed into Aisha's head. "Thank you. You're so sweet!"


Aisha let out a small "Eep!"

(Did I say that out loud!?)


Aisha felt so amazingly warm already, but she wanted so desperately to be even closer to her mistress. However, the way they were sitting prevented her from getting… even closer, so Aisha got up-


"Ah ah!" Lorian chided, pulling back from the embrace. "We're still playing."

"Still!?" Aisha whimpered. "Why don't we just… move to the bed, a-and… cuddle…"


Lorian gave Aisha a sly smirk. "We're playing until you win!" And Aisha's face fell in response.

"W-what!?" She stammered indignantly. "But I'm awful at this game!"

Lorian smiled softly as she pressed her forehead against Aisha's, lovingly slotting in a pile of cards into the girl's hands. Aisha looked at them with disdain and dread.


Lorian sighed as she put down her cards faceup on the ground, putting her hands on top of Aisha's as the small girl locked her gaze onto the little paper things.

"Listen." Lorian sighed. "I know you think you're no good. But I know you're really smart, and sweet, and if you just try, I think-"

"Uh huh." Aisha said absentmindedly, as she scanned the cards, memorizing them. "Mmmmm…"

"-But I believe in you, okay?" Lorian finished, squeezing Aisha's hand, and the girl looked up, her expression suddenly plagued with guilt. Not only had she cheated in the game, she had… not been listening to her mistress.


But it was okay. As long as mistress didn't find out, she was happy, and… she looked happy now.

"U-uh… let's just play." Aisha mumbled.





"Damn!" Lorian said excitedly. "I knew you had it in you! And so fast, too!"

"I… uh…" Aisha fidgeted nervously. "Um…"

"What's wrong?" Lorian purred. "Something to tell me?"

"I um… I… uh."


The proximity between her and her mistress was beginning to become suffocating, as guilt suffused her being. She felt doubly bad, especially since Lorian wanted to reward her for winning, and on top of that, mistress looked so happy and proud… The earnest look on her face, as well as the heat between them, made Aisha want to just blurt out her confession, but at the same time…

"I-it's nothing." Aisha said meekly.

"Nothing, huh?" Lorian chuckled. "Okay. Well, my adorable little kitten… what do you want for your… reward?"


Aisha licked her lips. She already had her answer, way before Lorian had even suggested that she could have a reward.

"Um… Can you… drain… me?" She asked in a soft voice.


When Lorian's face went red, and her expression turned surprised and apprehensive, Aisha felt like she had done something wrong, as the tall woman let out a surprised "Huh?!"


Aisha's ears fell flat against her head."Do you not like it?"

"W-what?" Lorian stuttered.

"Do I not taste good?" Aisha whimpered.


At the look of that infuriatingly adorable, kicked puppy look that Aisha gave her, eyes shining wide and adorable, Lorian's heart went into overdrive, all her instincts going into that familiar "protect and comfort" mode.


"N-no!" Lorian said quickly, patting Aisha on the head. "You taste amazing. I-uh…"

"Then why don't you want to do it?"

"I just-I,well-um… I… I do want to do it." Lorian said. "Oh, dammit. Fine. Let's move to the bedroom, then… let me clean up here."


"Yaaaay!" Aisha cheered, as she ran her way over to their shared bedroom. Lorian's chest fluttered with affection at the adorable action, but her gut held a feeling of dread, as to what would come next.




Lorian stared at the bedsheets with apprehension, as Aisha's shining eyes looked up at her with excitement. It was rare that she didn't want to get into bed. In fact, this was probably the only time she had ever been so unenthusiastic…


She sighed as she lifted up the bedsheets and took her place pressed right up against Aisha, wrapping her arms around the small girl and letting her snuggle up into her chest, a warm feeling blooming in her chest, and wherever Aisha rubbed her body against hers.


Lorian pursed her lips as she pulled Aisha up towards her face so that she could make eye contact with the girl. She smiled at the embarrassed expression that she got in return, although… it wouldn't last long.


"Okay Aisha, are you ready?" She asked. Aisha nodded vigorously in response, although Lorian did not share her enthusiasm.


Lorian started to drain Aisha of her energy, and a rush of feelings and heat flowed into her all at once, almost too much to handle. Lorian had to resist the urge to moan sluttily, as the pleasure threatened to blank her mind. Before Aisha, she had never felt a rush of emotion that was so… pure, so loving, so sweet, and so hot. She wanted to squirm away, but at the same time, she couldn't help but keep squeezing tight to Aisha.


And then the soft feelings started to rush in. Like afterglow, after an amazing round of sex, or the feeling of satisfaction from eating a good meal, Lorian's squeezing became weak, even though the heat in her body was still burning wildly. She looked down at Aisha, and judging from the girl's dopey smile, she likely felt somewhat similar.


It was weird. Even though she was taking energy, draining Aisha always made her feel so sleepy…


Aisha let out a long, drawn out moan that made Lorian blush bright red. "AAaaaaaahhhhnn… Feels so gooooood!"

"Oh, geez!" Lorian blushed, reminding her to stop draining. "Y-you shouldn't… moan like that…"

"W-why?" Aisha panted. "It f-feels so a-a-aaaaaamaaazzzing… Hhhhnnn…"


Lorian's words died on her lips as Aisha began to grind their bodies together, sending colorful sparks shooting into Lorian's brain as she bit her lip. Whenever Aisha was drained, she seemed to lose all inhibition, and as such, she did some utterly embarrassing things, that she never remembered either, although Lorian was always left hyper-aware of the events that transpired.


"You smell amazing…" Aisha moaned, taking a deep breath between Lorian's cleavage. "Like my favorite thing in the woooorld…"

"L-like what?" Lorian asked. "What's your favorite thing?"

"It's youuu!" Aisha started to giggle uncontrollably. "You're my most favorite thing! I love you!"

"O-oh geez!" Lorian said, blushing intensely. "Don't just say things like that!"


Aisha's only response was to giggle adorably as Lorian hid her face in her hands, her face hot enough to melt steel. She didn't like being embarrassed! She was supposed to embarrass Aisha, not the other way around! But whenever Aisha got like this, she would just say the most embarrassingly sweet, corny things, that would make Lorian's heart go into overdrive...


"I love these boobss." Aisha said childishly with a giggle. "They're so soft… and fluffy, and amazing… And they smell amazing…"

"Dammit Aishaaaaaa…" Lorian squealed. "HYAH!?"


Lorian felt a pleasure in her breast, and was mortified to see that Aisha had taken her breasts in her hands and was beginning to play with them, giggling innocently. Lorian bit her lip as the movements sent dull waves of pleasure into her.


Lorian bit her lip as the pleasure slowly drove her insane. Aisha had absolutely no idea what she was doing to her! She wanted so bad to pounce on Aisha and fuck her until they both couldn't move, or shove her hand down her panties, but she couldn't do either of those things. Not while Aisha was like this.


"Ai-ai-aiiiishaa! W-w-why don't you… s-stop that! Please! U--uuuu I'm b-b-begging you!"

"Mmmm… Okay! Anything for mistress!"

"Y-yes… Good girl. G-good girl."


Lorian let out a deep breath as she put a hand on top of Aisha's head and began to stroke the girl to sleep, the appendages twitching happily, and Aisha mewling happily as well. Lorian let out a gasp of relief, as her breathing started to slow down, and the sleepiness began to take over her mind.


By the looks of things, Aisha was also beginning to get a little sleepy. The girl yawned as she snuggled up to Lorian's chest with a smile, wrapping her arms around the larger girl.


Lorian didn't mind this part so much. This part where they just lay together, all snuggled together in amazing heat… slowly lulling each other to sleep. The pounding in her heart subsided, leaving only a squirmish tingle. As they began to settle into slumber, however, Aisha couldn't help but sneak one last kiss on her mistress's cheek, accompanied with a quiet, tired giggle.


"Wub you." She whispered.

"I love you too…" Lorian mumbled sleepily.





"...Hey! Hey!"


Aisha shook her head vigorously, quelling the buzzing in her heart to look at Falo next to her.

"...Huh?" She asked dumbly.


"You good there?" He asked. "You almost walked into a wall."

"Sorry." She muttered. "I zoned out."

"You zoned out for a long time." Falo said, raising an eyebrow. "We're already at the den."

"Oh. I was… having a good dream."

