
"Can you feel it?" Hana asked, wings beating lazily.

"Um… I'm kind of feeling it. It feels tingly!"

"It always feels tingly." Hana rolled her eyes. "But can you actually feel it flowing?"

"I… I think so." Aisha struggled out. "Like a heartbeat… but in my tummy."

"Oh god, you call it a tummy?" Hana blushed. "That's so cute."


"Okay, okay." She laughed. "Now, try to focus on a path, coming from your tummy, and going into your arm."


"You don't have to feel it… just imagine it."

"Uh… sure."

"Now… Try to squeeze the heartbeat into that path."



Aisha clenched her eyes shut, stopping her walking, and held out her hand, towards a bush. A sickly, translucent, purplish blob oozed out of her palm, dripping down her arm and dissipating harmlessly into the ground.


"Uh…" Hana said hesitantly. "Kind of."

"I think… I think I could feel a pathway. When I did that. It was like… it wasn't just one. It was multiple."

"Oooh, that sounds more correct." Hana muttered.


Aisha raised an eyebrow.

"Look, I'm sorry!" Hana squeaked, holding her arms up defensively. "I don't remember learning how to cast magic. I think I was kind of just born knowing."

"It's okay." Aisha smiled, uncharacteristically patient. "You've been helpful."


Aisha furrowed her brows, concentrating, and held up her left arm, bracing it with her right. This time, the same purple mana spewed out, but it came out weakly, like a hose low on water pressure, instead of dripping out. Aisha's eyes lit up in excitement, and Hana couldn't help but smile at the earnest cuteness on her face.


"You're getting better really quick." She observed. "Back at town, you couldn't even feel your soul."

"I know!" Aisha squeaked, jumping up and down excitedly. "You think I'll be able to cast a spell by the time we get back?"


Hana couldn't help but grin at Aisha's excitement and adorable antics. The girl was like a puppy with a new toy, and it was refreshing to see such an excited, eager expression on the girl's face, instead of the moody, apathetic one she usually held.


"Sure!" Hana smiled.




"Nyeh!" Aisha grunted, as she annihilated a small bush, with a wild stream of purple magic. "Take that!"


Hana giggled, holding her hand up to her mouth. Aisha was just so adorable, she wanted to pick her up and hold her right there…


"I'm sure the bushes fear you by now." Hana giggled.

"They should!" Aisha blurted out childishly. "Haha!"


She blasted another shrub, the leaves singed under her assault, but suddenly, Aisha stumbled back.


"Ooh…" She said woozily. "I'm dizzy."


She mewled as Hana picked her up, letting the girl wrap her arms around Hana's neck, as the bigger woman planted little kisses and nuzzles all over Aisha's head.


"MMMmmm…" Hana pursed her lips playfully. "I don't know why you're wearing this silly thing like this!"


She poked at Aisha's forehead with a finger, glowing platinum plate laying loosely on her forehead like a circlet. The girl had looped the necklace around her head.


"Because I want people to see!" Aisha pouted. "I'm a sapphire adventurer now!"

"Not yet." Hana chided, looking at the plate. "It looks like… it kind of looks like you still have to do something."


"It's glowing, but not blue yet." Hana observed. "It's supposed to be blue, right?'


Aisha grumbled unhappily in Hana's arms, but her happy expression returned quickly when Hana started to pet and kiss her again.




Aisha yelped and whooped as Hana flew her above the capital, massive wings beating powerfully as the wind rushed over their faces.


"Wait!" Aisha yelled in the wind. "The guild!"

"Everyone thinks you're dead!" Hana chided. "We should tell 'Leste, and then your other friends too."

"Fine." Aisha grumbled.



"Hana! Darling!" Celeste sobbed, fresh tears adding to the dried ones on her face as she fell to her knees, hugging her thick thighs. "You're alive! I thought… I thought I might lose you too… I can't take it… my heart…"

"Hey!" Aisha said cheerfully, popping out from behind Hana.

"Aisha!" Celeste shrieked, picking up the little girl in her arms. "You look- you look-"

"I'm fine now." Aisha smiled. "It's a long story."


"Want to have celebration sex?" Hana suggested playfully.

"I thought you were dead!" Celeste shrieked, blushing.



"Come in." Celeste whispered.




After many tearful hugs from her adventurer "gal-pals," as Fei put it, Aisha was ready to return to Raxas, to inform him of her recovery, and hopefully get the plate on her forehead a proper sapphire.


As she walked down the corridor to the man's office, however, she saw two figures on the bench opposite his door, heads down in dejection.


"What's this?" She asked.

"Aisha!" Aless cried, shocked, as her head snapped to see her, eyes wide open. "We-Kro!"


Aisha winced and took a step back as Kro leapt from his seat and socked Aisha in the face as hard as he could, which turned out to be not terribly hard, but the action was still shocking.


"Okay." Aisha said slowly, rubbing her cheek.

"Dammit!" He struggled out, hands balled into fists. "Don't you… don't you ever make us worry like that again! You might be okay with dying in some random place… but we're not, okay!"


Aisha was silent.


"Aless was worried about you, dammit!" He cried. "She-... I was worried about you. We already… we already lost Falo… I can't… I'm not losing more friends."


Kro wrapped Aisha up in a hug, with shaky arms and legs, and she noticed that the boy was still injured.


"You're still hurt?" Aisha asked, peeling Kro off of her.

"Ifrit told the priests to stop healing him." Aless spat. "I think he was pissed you didn't take his deal. Speaking of which…"


Aless's eyes softened, concerned. "H-how are you doing? You look… you look okay. Are you… feeling okay?"

"I'm not dying." Aisha said, rolling her eyes at the way Aless sighed.


"Aisha, please…" Aless said softly. "You-"

"No, really."


Aisha tugged her scarf down, and Aless marveled at the smooth, corruptionless skin. She reached out a finger and traced along her collarbone, before blushing, realizing what she was doing.


"That's… that's great." She muttered. "Sorry."

"What's going on in there?" Aisha asked, motioning at Raxas's door.


"He… he isn't seeing anyone." Aless said sadly. "He's been in there for three days."

"...Why?" Aisha asked dumbly.

"AISHA!" Kro yelled. "HOW CAN-"

"Calm down! No one's told her yet…" Aless said, pulling down Kro.



"Aisha… Falo died." Aless said, her voice wavering slightly at the unpleasant memory. "On the raid."

"...I'm sorry."

"He was Raxas's best friend." Aless said quietly, hanging her head. "He- HEy!"


Aisha snuck her way past Aless and Kro, into Raxas's office, locking the door behind her. Turning around, she was surprised by the sight. Raxas had never been the most neat person, but…


She was pretty sure that table hadn't been split in half the last time she was in here. And the papers were usually off the ground… and not incinerated.


"What do you want." Raxas demanded, hands clasped together in his lap, head hung down. He looked… thinner than usual, probably from the three straight days of not eating or drinking. Parts of his armor lay all over the room, blue plates still stained with burnt blood. Raxas himself sat in his chair, in a dirty shirt, unwashed.


"I just wanted to check in." Aisha said.


Raxas's eyes widened, and he raised his head to look at Aisha, blue eyes shining with hope. He stumbled out of his chair, falling onto his knees, before walking up to Aisha, nudging her scarf down to look at her neck.


"You-..." He said, hesitantly. "You're cured. What did you do?"

"I went on a contract. Didn't you want me to do this?" Aisha asked, surprised, pointing to the plate on her forehead.

"No." Raxas said bluntly. "I thought… in your time of grieving, that your achievements would bring you comfort."



Raxas shook his head. "At any rate… I'm… I'm so glad you're okay… Aisha… I-... I thought…"


Raxas collapsed onto the ground, and Aisha was a little late in catching him.

"It's funny…" He chuckled. "I thought… I thought I wouldn't be able to feel anything ever again. After losing Miari… After being betrayed by all the other judges, and the order, and people I thought were my friends…"


He shook his head. "Nothing has hurt more than losing Falo." He said in anguish. "I can't stop thinking about… how I should have been a better friend. He gave up his time, his family, so that he could steer me on the right path…"

"Why are you here?" Aisha asked. "Why become a judge magister?"


Raxas took a deep breath, wiping away the sweat on his forehead before he spoke.

"I… Miari wanted a better world. She was so kind… I just… I wanted to uphold that wish. But what's the point… Aisha. What's the point? All I've done is kill people. Lose friends. And every time I try to do something good, nobody wants it. Why shouldn't I just… quit…?"


Raxas was dripping sweat onto the floor now, and the look on his face was dark, and desperate. Hollow. It was a look that Aisha knew… well.


"The world is a terrible place." She said quietly. "And people… are selfish."

"Ever the optimist, huh?"

"But I… I found a reason to live." Aisha said quietly. "And it was… for my mistress."

"The slave mark." Raxas said flatly.

"Yeah." Aisha nodded. "And even though the world is unfair, she makes it worth it."

"And what would you do… if she died?" Raxas asked.


An uncomfortable silence followed, as his hollow eyes bored into Aisha's.

"I would probably kill myself." She whispered.



"But you have people depending on you." Aisha blurted quickly. "Those two, outside the door."

"Heh." Raxas chuckled. "You know, it was Falo's idea to pick those two. I didn't want any agents. But each judge is supposed to have at least three. So Falo just told me to pick the two that seemed the least like agents."

"Why did you hire me?"


Raxas was silent for a second, and Aisha saw a bit of guilt enter his face.

"I… I started to care for them." He said. "But I saw… their training. They were told that they were failures. That their only purpose was to serve… me. I've been trying to get them to find other purpose. I told Kro to go to university. Aless… I've been trying to get her out of my hair for a while."

"She's a spy, isn't she?"

Raxas chuckled good naturedly. "Yes. I'm aware. A damn good one too. She's actually a fey. Cut her ears off, instead of using illusion magic. But she curses in Japanese."


Aisha nodded.


"You've gotten close to them, haven't you?" Raxas asked. Aisha nodded again.

"Good." He sighed. "I don't feel particularly bad for doing this, but I apologize. That was my intention."

"You're unusually open about this." Aisha observed.


"You're cute. And you don't talk much." Raxas closed his eyes, leaning against a fragment of desk. "That makes you a good listener."


"Being cute is a great advantage." Raxas sighed. "People don't trust easily. Things like beauty, intelligence, charisma… people aren't trusting of those things, because they know it can be used as a weapon. But cute things are an exception. People trust cute things. It's in their nature. Cute things aren't supposed to stab you in the back."

"...That… doesn't seem true."


"I'm aware. But that just seems to be how people think." Raxas tilted his head back. "You're an incredibly intelligent woman. You should have noticed it. People open up to you easier - because they see a cute little teddy bear, instead of a thinking, aware, human being."


Aisha was silent. Was that true?


Even Feng had spared her.


"Don't lose any sleep over it." He muttered, seeing the troubled look on Aisha's face. "At any rate, I believe there is a celebration to be had, yes?"


Aisha tilted her head to the side, confused, but a faint jingling on her forehead keyed her in. Raxas reached up and took the plate in his hands.


"Usually, the guild master does this." He explained. "But, well, I'm good enough."


He gripped Aisha's plate in his hand, and a loud shattering sound was heard. Shards of metal fell to the floor, and when he took his hand off, Aisha's plate was blue, crystalline, gleaming in the sunlight.


"Let's go get something to eat." He suggested.




"Ok, ok! She's here! Come on, get her in here!"


Mao groaned, groggily, as she felt softness around her - the throbbing in her head was so much worse, and the stinging pain in her chest and face burned itchily.


She tried to turn her head, but quickly regret it - her neck screamed in pain, and she let out a whimper of pain.


Calming her breath, she tried closing her eyes, listening carefully, and paying close attention to the sensations next to her. She heard… breathing. Smelled… floral perfume. And felt… skin.


Were there… girls sleeping next to her?


"Meowy!" A familiar voice gasped. "Are you awake?"

Mao took a breath. "-H"

"Shh shh shh!" The woman shushed. "Don't talk… oh my gosh, poor Meowy… I can't believe what you must be going through right now…"


Mao let out a breath, grimacing at the throbbing pain. She felt so miserable - she would be fine if someone ended her life right there, just to end her suffering. The pain was unbearable, and Mao knew why. Her head was probably cracked open, she probably had a concussion, and half of her body was probably burnt to pieces. Not to mention, her stunt with the flare had probably drained the life literally out of her.


Pure willpower kept her together. Pure willpower… that was waning. She wanted to cry - she hadn't cried in so long, but her tear ducts were probably burned.


"In here, in here!" Another girl whispered.

"Oh my god, what happened to Meowy???"

"We don't know! Marik said she just showed up! I-I think she was trapped in a burning building or something, oh my god, just please heal her!"

"Yeah, yeah, of course! Of course!" The other voice said panickedly.


Mao felt the bed shift under her, and an arm being shifted off her body, as a soft pair of hands replaced it, soothing, healing magic flowing into her destroyed body.


The first thing that came back was the pain. Red hot, searing pain, as her nerves rebuilt themselves, suddenly remembering the burning, the hot lava on her skin as her stone shell melted and ate away at her body-


Mao screamed in pain, tears flowing freely from her eyes as she thrashed in the bed - hands restrained her, caressed her, whispered sweet things into her ears, but Mao heard none of it - she only felt pain, and she begged, pleaded, for the pain to stop -


After what felt like an eternity, the pain stopped, and Mao felt her heart beat again, and she whimpered softly as the bed dipped again, and a warm body wrapped itself around her chest.


Mao dared to pry her eyes open, tears blotting out her vision. A pair of sinfully soft hands wiped carefully at them, and suddenly, Mao saw a room full of beautiful, familiar women.


"Lena?" She whispered, looking at the blond woman hugging her midsection. "Is that you? I… I thought you went off to become a priest."

"I did." The blonde haired woman responded into her chest, voice muffled. "But I heard you were hurt. So I came here."

"Is this… The Horned Succubus?" Mao whispered.

"Yeah!" A busty girl said, scanty clothing leaking out of her jacket. "I'm so glad you remember, Meowy!"

"Ah… uh… nothing…" Mao mumbled, holding her tongue, resisting the urge to correct the woman on her name.

"Can you move your head?" A taller woman asked, holding a bowl of strawberries.

"Yeah…" Mao mumbled, blushing as the woman held up a plump strawberry to her lips. "Licia, why-"

"You have to eat!" She said in a motherly fashion. "They're the good strawberries! Actually, can we cook some of the sausages we have in the back-"

"I-I can feed myself!" Mao protested.

"Oh yeah?" Licia said, amused. "Lift your hand, then. Take the strawberry."


"I thought so."


Mao, humiliated and embarrassed, accepted the plump strawberry smooshed up against her lips, noting that the stem had been cut off for her. She chewed slowly, and suddenly she was made aware of the burning hunger in her stomach, and her parched throat. A wine glass full of water was offered to her, and she drank thirstily, panting as the liquid soothed her parched throat.


"Good girl!" Licia cooed, patting Mao's head like a injured kitten. Mao babbled indignantly, but shut up when she realized she couldn't even muster up the strength to speak coherently.


Mao had always known Licia as the cool playgirl, always so aloof, and with the perfect build for the attitude, thin, but mature. Very popular with their female customers. So it was quite unexpected when she smiled happily and leapt into bed with Mao, cooing as she cradled Mao's head.


"W-what are you doing?" She demanded.

"Hugging you." Licia pouted. "What, it's fine if Lena hugs you, but I can't?"

"Ah!" Mao yelped, as if suddenly remembering the blonde beauty clutching her midriff. "Her too!"


"Mmmmhh…" The girl clutching her right side mumbled. "You guys… so loud…"


Mao turned to the girl incredulously, before looking at her caretaker's faces, all brimming with affection and smiles.

"Why are you doing this?" She asked quietly.

"Because you're adorable!" Lena squealed from her chest. "And it's been such a long time since you've been home!"

"No, I mean…" Mao mumbled. "Why are you taking care of me? I have… I have nothing. I can't repay you girls."

"Oh Meowy." Licia sighed. "Because you're family!"


Mao's mouth felt dry as she spoke, partially from a lack of water, but partially due to the sinking in her stomach. Also probably from a lack of water.




Mao looked up to an entire room of smiling faces, and suddenly, she didn't feel so confident anymore. A family? She had never had a family before. She barely even knew what it meant.


"But…" Mao hesitated. "I… I left you guys."

"It's okay that you wanted to find more for yourself." Licia cooed. "We'll always be there for you!"


Mao opened her mouth to protest, but her mouth was soon filled with plump strawberries, juicy sausages, and various other fruits and little delicacies. By the end, she was blushing heavily, as her stomach purred contently, and her chest filled with affection for her girls.


(Was there something in those berries?)


Mao was even more embarrassed as more girls joined the bed after she finished eating, hands stroking at her chest and head, patting her on the head, hugging her arms, and tracing lines down her breasts.


"I… I didn't think you guys thought of me like that." Mao muttered, and saw expressions turn shocked.

"What!?" Was chorused, six or seven times, followed by. "Why?"

"Well…" Mao muttered. "The smothering. Forcing me to 'practice' with the other girls. And I'm the only one who has such a… humiliating nickname."


Licia's face all of a sudden, filled with a look of guilt that made Mao regret saying anything.


"Oh my god!" She cried, wringing her hands guiltily. "Oh, I'm so sorry! I-I… We… we got carried away. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Meow- uh… what do you want us to call you?"

"I-It's okay." Mao muttered nervously. "I… I liked practicing with you guys. Meowy is fine… No, I-I like Meowy."

"You don't have to say that to make us feel better." A short girl said, looking at her feet ashamedly.


"No." Mao blushed in frustration. "Dammit, I… I mean it. Okay?"

"It's not okay…" Licia muttered. "We hurt you."

"No, I-... Haaaughhh…"


If Mao was able to move her arms to pull at her hair, she would have. Looking at everyone's downcast, guilty expressions were infectious. Mao was starting to feel guilty too. It wasn't a problem she could solve by yelling at a lackey, either.


Mao- no, Meowy, did what she knew best, and leaned forward, planting a kiss right on top of Licia's lips, blushing intensely as she did so.


"Apology accepted, okay?" She smiled nervously, watching as Licia's face reddened, and the rest of the girls gasped.


"You got a kiss from Meowy?"

"Meowy's kisses were the best!"

"I want a kiss!"

"Meowy, please kiss me! Pleeeeeeaaaase!"




"Open wide! Hee hee!"


Whoops and cheers could be heard around the table, as Hana fit another marshmallow into Aisha's mouth, already brimming with the white pillows, and copious amounts of drool.


"Me next, me next!" Fei cried excitedly, picking up a marshmallow, as Hana popped a drool-covered finger into her own mouth, purring contently.


Meanwhile, Kro, Amir, Vigil, and Raxas sat in their own little section of the table, trying their hardest to not stare at the partying and borderline pornographic activity going on beside them.


"Not going to join them?" Amir asked Vigil.

"Just because I'm a woman-" Vigil started angrily.

"It's got nothing to do with you being a girl." Amir rolled his eyes. "It's because everyone else in your group is there."


Vigil smoldered. "I hate you."

"Why's that?" Kro asked.

"He's a know-it-all." Vigil said disdainfully. "Nobody in the guild likes going on contracts with him, because he just bosses everyone around."

"I have never lost someone on a contract." Amir said, leaning backwards. "It's not supposed to be fun. It's our job."

"Just because it's our job, doesn't mean you have to make the experience awful."

"Our lives are on the line."


"Aren't you two going to talk to Aisha?" Kro said nervously, trying to break up the argument. "It is her party."


Vigil looked over her shoulder, watching as Hana poured a glass of wine into Celeste's cupped cleavage, Aisha planting her face inside and drinking. Cheering erupted from the other side of the table.


"No thanks." Both Amir and Vigil said, at the same time. Vigil glared at Amir, although the coffee-skinned man didn't let any emotions show.


"I think it's nice." Raxas sighed, taking a big bite out of a cheeseburger. "She's enjoying herself."

"I'm sure that's not a rare sight." Amir snorted.

"Maybe. But she deserves to."

"Perhaps it's not a question of what is deserved, but what she should do…"


Raxas looked at the younger adventurer with a look of pity.

"You've got that look in your eyes." He observed.


Raxas sighed. "It's that look, that says that you're going to keep pushing the ranks until you die."


"What's it for? A personal goal? A loved one? Money?"

"The second one." Amir muttered.

Vigil scoffed. "Can you care about anyone?"



"Mmm…" Raxas closed his eyes. "My advice would be to spend time with them. They will appreciate it more than what you're doing right now."


"Just trust me." Raxas said. "I've seen a hundred young men like you. You probably won't listen to my advice, but I guess that's just a part of getting old."


Amir hung his head humbly.

"You truly are wise, your honor." He said quietly. "But… I… I don't think I'm… I'm strong enough to follow it."

"Your honor?"

"That's your official title, you know." Kro pointed out.

"It's weird." Raxas muttered.

"Would you prefer sir?"

"Makes you sound like Aless." Raxas mumbled.


Kro couldn't help but glance at Aless, who was sitting in Mihyang's lap, snuggling into her girlfriend's arms happily as they watched Fei and Kua dance in their private booth.


"Then what do you want me to call you?" Kro asked.






"Sir is fine."


"Hey boys!" Mihyang yelled over with a grin. "Any of you kissed a girl before?"

"What." Amir said, lowly.

"You heard me!"

"Unless my mother counts, no." He muttered.


Amir's eyes widened when Fei crawled over the table, over to the bronze skinned man, and planted a kiss on his cheek. Laughs and giggles erupted from the women, as Amir angrily tried to get a hold of Fei before she could retreat to the safety of the girl's group.


"What on earth!?" He exclaimed, sputtering indignantly. "What are you doing!? I will not be made a fool! I…"


Mihyang completely ignored Amir, turning next to Kro, a cheshire-esque grin on her face, predatory, extremely wide.


"Hey, runt." She said gleefully, relishing the wide-eyed, terrified look that Kro gave her, as he tried, frantically, to climb his way out of the booth he was sitting in.


"Grab him!" Mihyang commanded!


Kro shrieked and squealed as Aless and Aisha vaulted their way over the table, spilling drinks and food, sounding remarkable like a girl as his voice reached registers that didn't seem possible for the male voice.


He gulped as he sat, eyes wide as saucers, at his tormenter for 15 years. In the program, Mihyang had promised that she would beat all of them until they cried. Most lasted a day before they were begging her to let them leave.


Kro had lasted ten minutes.


The instructor represented everything Kro feared. Authority. The program. Tall people. Physical challenge. His own weakness.




Mihyang pressed her face up to his, uncomfortably close, so that he could see Mihyang's crazed grin up close.


"Hello, runt." She laughed softly. "It's been such a looong, looooooong time. I'm so sorry I couldn't visit."

"M-m-m-m-m-m-Mi-Mihyang." He stuttered out, sweating buckets. "S-s-sssir I mean Miss- I mean Madam-Ma'am I-I-I-"

"Tell me." Mihyang interrupted, smiling wickedly. "You still a virgin?"


Kro nodded slowly, fearfully.


"Then you might want to close your eyes, boy." She whispered into Kro's ear.


Kro began to scream and shriek shrilly, as the rest of the girls began to advance menacingly…



Raxas rolled his eyes as Kro was smothered in kisses, hearing copious amounts of smooching noises, combined with Kro's, admittedly, hilarious screams, as the boy was attacked by the women.


He couldn't help but smile, though, seeing Aless have so much fun, a smile on her young, usually so stoic face.


He made eye contact with Aisha, who was not joining the girls in Kro's harassment, and when he smiled at the fey girl, she smiled back.