[Bonus chapter] The Inauguration

"Uh… so what's this?"


"It's a desk."

"...Are you sure?"


Vayne tutted, wagging her finger in front of Raxas's face, as he looked at the ornate, boxy object in front of him.

"Such a barbarian." She said snidely. "This desk is made out of the finest wood in Arcadia. Sourced from the feywood, and processed by the finest artisans in the capital. All under the Vayne conglomeration."


"Er…" Raxas scratched his head, absentmindedly tugging at the straps across his leather jacket. "Thanks. Then. Although, I… I'm not really a desk guy."

"Desk guy." Vayne scoffed, the words coming out of her mouth like a foreign language. "You were once a scribe, were you not?"


Raxas's eyebrows shot up. "How did you know that?"

"A lady never reveals her secrets."


"Here's my present!" Tylich said animatedly, thin and gaunt looking, although with a manic energy that betrayed his stature. "It's great!"


Vayne visibly recoiled when Tylich slammed his gift down, a painting that wasn't even in a frame, and coated in… some greenish-brown liquid that splashed onto Raxas's desk.


"Uuueeeerrrrr…" Raxas took the thing into his hand. "Thanks, um…?"

"Tylich." The thin judge introduced. "Just Tylich."


"I cannot believe you are sullying my gift with that garbage." Vayne muttered, a veil of wind protecting the woman from both the picture's stench, and Tylich's.

"Hey, it's not garbage." Raxas reasoned gingerly. "It's a very nice picture of… a… bear in a field of flowers?"

"It's a dog." Tylich said confidently.

"That dog appears to have five legs." Vayne narrowed her eyes.


Tylich shrugged. "Not the first five-legged animal I've seen."

"I'm sure it isn't." Vayne mumbled, before suddenly taking a step back, curtsying in her slender armor.


"Well, Judge Raxas, it has been an honor to get to know you. I look forward to returning once you have made better accommodation for yourself. And better company."


"...Um. It's been a pleasure too."


Vayne quickly exit, and Tylich soon followed. When the sound of clanking footsteps stopped, a form shimmered in the corner of Raxas's office, revealing a middle-aged looking man, the beginnings of gray starting to show in his hair.


"Dude, that guy smelled really bad." Falo complained.

"Should have use that "freezing wind" thing you're always talking about."

"I can't do that while I'm invisible."

"Sounds like you're-"


A few knocks rapped on the other side of Raxas's door, and a young, nervous voice spoke up, voice wavering.


"Um, Judge Raxas, sir?" Spoke an echoey voice, muddled even further by the door. "May I come in?"

"Uh…" Raxas raised an eyebrow. The voice sounded young, and unsure. Someone who knew of him? A fan? It sounded like a civilian, and judging by the look on Falo's face, he thought the same.

"Sure, come in."


When the door opened, and the sound of jangling, chain-linked armor sounded, layered with far too many layers of ornate, heavy plates, Raxas was surprised.


The young man in front of him was a judge, although he held none of the self-assured posture that the other two judges had held. He quickly took off his helmet, the slight dip in his head suggesting that he did so somewhat out of respect. Raxas and Falo shared an unsure look.


"Ah, u-uh, sir!" The young man spoke, stuttering slightly. "It's an honor to meet you!"

"Um. Sure, although…" Raxas said slowly. "I mean, i should be the one showing respect to you…"

"What!?" The young judge blurted out, a shocked expression on his face. "Why? You're Raxas! Savior of Nievel! General of the 1st mage division! Ruby adventurer! And a judge!"


"You hold seniority." Raxas chuckled, good-naturedly. "I haven't even received my armor yet."

"Ah." The young man mumbled, embarrassed. "I… I guess so, but…"


"What's your name?"

"Uh. Idra." The brown-haired man mumbled. "Ysleta Idra. Sir. Oops. I mean-"

"Don't worry about it, Ysleta." Raxas reassured. "You can call me whatever you want."


"Who?" Idra furrowed his eyes in confusion. "OH! Uh, me! Sorry, everybody just refers to me by my last name, I… I…"

"Don't worry about it."


"Ah, thank you."

"Why are you so nervous?" Raxas asked. "What's up?"

"Nothing, sir, it's just… you're so distinguished. You're famous, and so… so strong."

"You are too, aren't you?"


Idra shook his head. "I haven't… I haven't fought. In like, a real fight, you know? I just… I went to school, I went to college, and I did the extracurriculars. I served in the war, but I… I never really… I was on the backlines, you know? But then, all of a sudden, people are telling me that I'm nominated to be a JUDGE, you know, and then I actually GOT the job, and woah! Man, this is NOTHING like being a soldier, or a student, and people are giving me documents and shit-"


"Hey, it's alright!" Raxas laughed. "You're right, being a bureaucrat is nothing like being a soldier. You know, I used to be a scribe."

"Really?" Idra frowned in disbelief.

"Yeah." Raxas nodded. "And Falo here, used to be a house-husband."


"What the fuck?" Falo furrowed his eyebrows. "What are you-"


Raxas laughed, the kind of laughter that came out of someone who laughed at their own jokes far too often. As Falo muttered something under his breath, shaking his head, Idra stood their awkwardly, unsure of where to keep his gaze, settling for just staring at his boots.


After an unreasonable amount of time, Raxas stopped laughing, turning his gaze back onto Idra, waiting patiently in front of his desk.

"So, uh…" Idra mumbled. "Have you selected your agents yet?"







At the officer's command, all of the visored, black-cladden agents lined up in perfect formation, taking only a second to arrange themselves into a perfect grid, a sea of black in the sweltering sun. However, despite the searing heat, none of the agents dared even break a sweat, as the stern, grizzled face of the commanding officer beared down on them.


The officer screamed again, louder this time, his shrill voice blasting across the open training ground. "YOU HAVE ALL BEEN-"

"Ah!" Raxas tapped the officer on the shoulder, grimacing as his ears rang. "I don't think you have to yell that loud, man."


"Urk-Sorry." He whispered.


"You have all been selected today because you are at the top of your class!" The officer shouted in a notably lower register. "As potential candidates for the honor of serving a judge magister, you are gathered here to prove your talents!"


Raxas leaned over to Falo, sweat staining his adventurer's jacket, and drenching his face. "Hey, hit me with some of that… uh… freezing wind." He whispered.


Falo leaned back, little beads of frozen air moisture rotating around him.



"-have all been arranged, by their primary arcane element, your honor." The officer rambled. "This first row is fire. The second row is water. The third is-"

"By element?" Raxas asked, befuddled. "Why element?"


"...It is simply how it is done." The officer replied, after a long silence.


"What about skills?" Raxas asked.

"These are the best fighters we-"


"Not fighting skills." Raxas corrected. "I mean… like, you know, administrative skills. Like… you know… arcane knowledge. Investigative skills."

"Scribing." Falo chimed in.


"Um." A single bead of sweat ran down the officer's forehead, nervous. "I'm afraid… we don't exactly… I do not know…"

"You don't know?" Raxas asked, glancing towards the rows on rows of statue-like figures. "Aren't you their drill sergeant?"

"Training officer." The black-clad man mumbled. "And… er. I am merely the replacement officer… I've only been with them for a few weeks…"

"Replacement?" Raxas asked. "Replacing… who? Can I speak with them?"


"...That would be difficult."



The officer led Raxas down an uncomfortably numerous amount of stairs, the lighting growing darker and darker as the blazing sun quickly disappeared behind them, replaced by the dim glow of magicite lighting.


"Where are we going?" Raxas inquired.

"To the dungeon." The officer explained.

"The dungeon?" Raxas guffawed. "Why?"



"'Lessy, I…"

"SHUT UP!" A tearful voice screamed. "JUST SHUT UP! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!"

"I didn't mean to…"

"What did you think was going to happen!?" The other voice screamed. "That we would spend the rest of our lives, hiding, because you wanted to get your pussy wet!?"


The speaking figures quickly came into visible view, two women, a brunette, and a redhead, both completely naked, in separate cells, clutching themselves to conserve warmth.


"'Less…" The redhead mumbled. "I'm sorry… I just…"


"SHUT UP!" The officer screamed, Raxas once again wincing.

"Hey, you've really got to stop that."


"Oh." The redhead deadpanned. "It's the jock. Can't believe you found your way here. Did you get lost, Cheryn?"

"Shut up, Mihyang!" The officer snarled. "You're going to die!"

"Great comeback."

"I am here because the honorable Judge Raxas wishes to speak to you." Cheryn snarled. "Consider yourself blessed, that you get to speak to anyone, before your miserable life comes to an end!"


"Hey, calm down." Raxas sighed, before cringing at the state of the two female captives. They looked malnourished, and judging by the sniffling and shivering, were both ill. It was a grisly, barbaric sight, and Raxas visibly recoiled in disgust. "How long have those two been down here?"

"Three weeks." Cheryn replied.

"Wait, so you're… you're just making them starve to death!?" Raxas exclaimed. "What did they do!?"


"They fraternized with each other." Cheryn said stiffly. "Caught kissing in the weapons room."

"And the punishment for that is death by starvation!?" Raxas exclaimed. "What!?"

"These are the rules. To prove their loyalty to Arcadia, they-"


"What kind of bullshit is that!?" Raxas asked incredulously. "You don't allow these kids to date each other!? What about after they stop being agents!? You torture your own brethren to death, just for dating!?"


Cheryn shuffled his feet nervously, a long, tense pause following Raxas's outburst, his words echoing around the dungeon walls.

"...Agents are indebted to Arcadia for life." Cheryn said quietly. "These are the rules. They are no longer our comrades."


"Those rules are fucking stupid!" Raxas yelled, a burst of fire leaking out of his frame, creating a lasting wave of warm heat, that both imprisoned women huddled around, abating their shivering. "This needs to change!"


Raxas rushed over to the cells and took off his jacket, throwing it into Aless's cell. The frail girl looked at the man with a fearful, but also grateful expression, gasping as Raxas reached through the bars to still her weak, quivering fingers as they tried to wrap the warm object around herself.


Raxas motioned to Falo, who gave his jacket to Mihyang. The redhead accepted the clothing with a bit more dignity, shivering still, but still gave Falo a nod of gratitude.


"Sir!" Cheryn protested. "You can't-"

"Oh, shut it." Raxas muttered. "I've decided. I'm taking these two. They're my agents. And I won't stand for this kind of treatment."

"Mihyang isn't an agent." Cheryn muttered. "She is an instructional officer."




"I have pardoning powers, right?"




"T-thank you…" Aless whispered weakly, wrapping her arms pitifully around Raxas's neck as he carried her on his back, climbing the steps up to the surface. Behind them, Falo did the same with Mihyang, although he seemed like he was having a little more trouble, wincing as Mihyang's nails nicked his neck.


"You doing that on purpose?" He muttered.

"Um. No?" Mihyang whispered nervously, casting a glance over at Aless, who shot her a hateful glare in response.


Behind Falo, Cheryn fumed with indignity.


"What's your name?" Raxas asked.

"My. N-name?" Aless whispered. "My number is-"

"I don't want your number." Raxas muttered. "I want your name."

"...But, protocol…"

"I don't care about protocol." Raxas sighed, irritated. "I want your name."


"...It's Aless." She whispered. "You are so kind, your honor. I don't deserve to be carried… on your back."

"This is not a kindness." Raxas muttered. "This is just basic human decency."

"...Your honor…"




Breaking back out into the sun, Aless let out an involuntary cry of joy, feeling the warmth of the sun, and the feeling of freedom in her limbs again. Although the feeling was quickly replaced with fear, seeing dozens of her peers lined up in front of her, staring at her scarcely-covered form. Some of the agents visibly showed surprise and anger, although they quickly hid their expressions, along with the sweat drenching their backs.


Raxas set Aless gently down in a corner, and Falo did the same, quickly running off to get some clothes, food, and potentially medicine for the two dying girls. They cuddled together on the ground for warmth, and protection from the other agents' gazes, and despite how angry Aless was at Mihyang, she sought out her hand for comfort.


"They've just been standing out here?" Raxas asked, a new disgust leaking into his voice. "In the sun? Dressed like that?"

"They are disciplined." Cheryn said unenthusiastically. "They are fine."


They did not look fine.


"Anyways…" Cheryn mumbled. "You have to pick at least three agents. So… take your pick."


Raxas sighed and began to search the lineup, frowning as he looked each young adult over, looking over their completely identical outfits and still posture.


(What's even the point of making me choose, if they're all the fucking same?)


"Two more, huh?" Raxas mumbled. "Wish I could see the ones that aren't here."


Right on cue, the sound of heavy, labored breathing echoed throughout the training grounds, followed by uneven bootfalls, as a sweaty, short, jogging agent turned a corner. At the sight of the lined up agents, as well as Cheryn's furious face, he audibly gasped in fear, falling flat on his ass as he tried to turn around instantly, crawling his way out of view.


"KRO!" Cheryn screeched, storming over to the poor boy and gripping his head by his hair. "YOU MAGGOT! ARE YOU STUPID, BOY!? I TOLD YOU SPECIFICALLY TO NOT-"

"Hey." Raxas interrupted. "Stop that."


Cheryn wheeled around, and a look of further disappointment, and apprehension showed up on his face, as he realized what was about to happen.


"Come here, kid." Raxas motioned for the short agent to come over. He looked around fearfully, glancing between Raxas and his officer, unsure what to do. Eventually, Cheryn clicked his tongue in anger and turned away, giving him the signal to scramble to his feet, dusting off his pants as he rushed over to Raxas.


"...Sir?" He asked fearfully, wringing his hands together, as he gasped for breath.


"Sir is fine." Raxas said dismissively, much to Cheryn's dismay. "Tell me, what's your name?"

"U-uh- sixty-nine, sir! I mean- I mean ninety-six! I'm so sorry! I-" The kid panted, sweat dripping down his forehead.

"Your name." Raxas sighed. "Your name, son."

"K-Kro, sir!" The short agent stuttered.


"Why were you running?" Raxas asked.

"T-to make up for… for being last. In the last training." Kro said nervously.

"You're no good at fighting?" Raxas raised an eyebrow.



"Ah, that's an unfair question." Raxas chuckled. "Tell me, what are you good at?"


"Nothing." One of the agents whispered. Raxas didn't miss it, and judging by the furious look on Cheryn's face, he didn't either.


"Uh…" Kro shrank. "I… I'm good with numbers! I know… I'm good with algebra, and… and I… I figured out a way to solve equations with squares… oh, but um… that's probably not very useful…"

"I think that's plenty useful." Raxas muttered. "You wanna work for me?"


"Seriously?" Kro and Cheryn guffawed, at the same time.


Raxas shrugged, smiling. "I could use someone to help me out with paperwork."

"I-It… It would be an honor!" Kro stammered. "But-"

"Ah, stop." Raxas commanded. "It's hot as hell. I don't want to hear it. Go… um, go over there, with the girls. The short one's also one of mine."


Kro took one look at Aless and Mihyang, and although they looked pitiful, he still gulped in fear at the sight of them. He cast a fearful glance at Cheryn as he walked clumsily by, reluctantly standing a good five meters away from Mihyang, who grinned as the timid boy ran by.


Which just left Raxas and Cheryn, the latter holding an incredibly displeased look.


"May I comment, your honor?" Cheryn mumbled.

"Fire away."

"I would beg you to reconsider your choices." Cheryn said firmly. "Those two - Kro is a runt! He cannot fight, not even in sparring sessions! He cannot muster up the mana for even a 1M-shockwave!"


"...So!?" Cheryn sputtered. "So what use is he!?"

"I have no need for someone who can fight." Raxas rolled his eyes, raising his hand and releasing a massive blast of red energy. The spell split the clouds, traveling far off into the distance, until it was too thin to be even seen. "...I can do that myself."


"These men are supposed to be your hands." Cheryn protested. "They are supposed to fight so that you don't have to!"


"Then what would my job be?" Raxas asked, cracking a smile. "They get to do all the fighting, while I have to do paperwork? No thank you."

"But… but… your honor…"


Falo returned from his little shopping trip, bringing with him blankets, some baggy shirts and pants, and a few wrapped sandwiches. He tossed one to Aless and Mihyang, who dug into the things ravenously, and after a quick look, he tossed one to Kro, the sweaty kid fumbling around with the wrappings and accidentally dropping it on the floor.


Raxas chuckled at Kro's clumsiness, although the laughter soon gave way to an annoyed grimace, as the sun's rays bore down on him, cooking the sweat off his skin and leaving him sticky. Bleh.


"It's so hot." He complained. "How many more do I need?"

"One." Cheryn said, stiffly.

"Just flip a coin, or something." Falo said, spewing crumbs all over Raxas as he handed his friend another sandwich. "Who cares."


"That is another thing!" Cheryn shouted indignantly. "Who is this-this oaf?! That follows you around!? He does not have the proper rank or credentials to be here!"


"He doesn't have the credentials?" Raxas sighed, wiping sweat off his forehead. "How do you get the credentials, then?"

"He doesn't!" Cheryn yelled indignantly. "This nobody-"


"Ah, Falo can be my last agent." Raxas sighed. "Then he will have the credentials, right?"

"What!? One cannot just- this nobody can't possibly-he is not qualified!"


"Is it stated somewhere that my agent has to be from this program?" Raxas asked, squinting. "From my knowledge… it doesn't."

"I MUST object!" Cheryn snarled. "The Persona Program trains the finest-"


"Here, Falo will take on your strongest guy." Raxas offered. "Or you, if you want."


Cheryn scoffed, although his indignant stance and impatient energy was easy to read.

"This is highly irregular."

"Afraid that a nobody can beat… the so called finest?"

"Fine!" Cheryn seethed. "We will hold this… exhibition match."


"And if Falo wins, I get to leave?" Raxas smirked.

"Yes, yes!" Cheryn said hurriedly, irritated. "Whatever terms you desire!"


"Do I get a say in this?" Falo mumbled.





Cheryn quickly rearranged the agents into a ring, surrounding Falo and an agent, indistinguishable from all the rest, save for the massive amounts of mana that leaked out of him like a bad stench. Falo rolled his eyes, not leaking even a trace of magic, as he put his hand on his hip, tapping his foot impatiently.


Cheryn squinted at Falo's form. It wasn't as... unathletic as he imagined it was - when the man still had his baggy clothes on, he had hunched over, hiding his confident stature, despite being so short. Clad in just a white undershirt, the man held a... certain resourceful dignity about him. And he was quite muscular.


"Ready!" Cheryn shouted.




The agent quickly brought his hands together, a dense ball of green magic compressing in his hands.


But just as quickly, the ball dissipated, as his visor fell off his face, one of the hinges completely destroyed. The face that was revealed was young, the beginnings of stubble showing on his face, accenting a shocked, slightly fearful expression, as blood ran down from a cut on his temple. Falo stood across from him, holding out his hand in a loose fist, the object in his hands quickly becoming visible, shimmering in the sunlight.


"I didn't have to miss, you know." He commented off-handedly, as he loaded another bolt into the crossbow, the tip glimmering with enchanted energies. "It's hybrid-magicite. I'm pretty proud of this batch, it didn't bl-"

"THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!" Cheryn screamed. "HE CHEATED! I-"

"In the field, your guy would be dead." Raxas sighed, shaking his head. "There's no such thing as cheating - besides, there were no rules about this anyway."



"Listen, man." Raxas sighed, weariness in his voice. "I don't really care. It's really hot out. I'm leaving."



Raxas ignored the man, spittle flying out of his mouth as he quickly rushed over to his new team of rejects, helping up a now fully-clothed Aless onto his back. Falo soon followed, helping the taller redhead onto his back, as the two started to run, rushing out of the compound as fast as they could. He began to laugh raucously, slapping Falo on the chest, who just rolled his eyes in return.


"Thank you for the tour!" Raxas shouted over his shoulder, laughing as the wind blew through his short, brown hair.


Kro took one look at Raxas's retreating form, and then one look at Cheryn, and although his legs still ached, he decided to follow the strange, kind man.