"I want to go with you," Moonlight whispered.
"You know that you don't have to be by my side? You know that you are a separate being who owes nothing to anyone?"
"Yes. I know. And this is my wish, to be near you. This is purely my decision, wish, dream."
Decision, wish, dream, these words made me fly high into the sky, and from there into space, to the Andromeda galaxy and return back to earth to embrace this beautiful creature.
The embrace in which I was drowning turned out to be my home.
That night, I did not sleep again. Instead of sleeping, I was thinking about how to change the appearance of Moonlight.
"I would not want people to look at you with malice. But I also do not want you to hide your essence," I said as he looked at my books.
"Life is about trying, thinking. It's just my appearance. And I will do whatever you say," he said and smiled.
"Most of all, your long hair betrays you. All Wizards have the same hair length. Maybe you should change your hairstyle?"
"Do you want me to cut my hair?"
"Yes. And preferably shorter. Like Albert."
"This is your wish?"
"Yes. Of course, if you don't mind. If you are comfortable with long hair, then it is not scary. My opinion and wish does not matter. Remember that."
Moonlight, without saying anything, just opened the closet door and disappeared.
After exactly three minutes, he returned. And now, before me stood a completely different creature.
Short hair, perfectly styled back, and a few short strands of hair brushed against his eyes.
With this hairstyle, his gentle face became even smaller, which gave him a kind of feminine sophistication.
"How do you like my new hairstyle?"
I was speechless. And then, I doubted that I would ever find the right words for this ideal creature. But deep down in my soul, I had a whole book dedicated to Moonlight.
The next day, much to my surprise, my mother took the news with ease. And instead of worrying, she simply said, "It will do you good. You will find your own circle of friends. Otherwise, you always complain that now people do not have the mind and ability to think normally. Albert, I trust him. And besides, I will not have much free time. Therefore, it will be better for you if you create your own world. You really want to become a writer. Therefore, I have no right to hold you back."
Thinking about her words, I packed my suitcase and by evening, Moonlight and I were ready to meet our new life.
Leaving the house, I felt like a hero who stood with his head held high. Looking to a bright future. And most importantly, a hero who shared this future with another creature who stood by, experiencing nothing but happiness.
Flying past the crowd of people, past the high walls of houses, I looked around and I understood that I will not be the same.
Perhaps the whole thing was in these labyrinths made of bridges that got entangled in each other. Perhaps this feeling was due to the fact that I was afraid. Yes, in fact, I was afraid to go forward to meet my future. I didn't know anything about what was awaiting me. And I was worried about my future, because Moonlight was sitting next to me. I was not alone. And when you are not alone, fear for the future only increases.
It intensifies to such an extent that you no longer distinguish between where the present begins and the boundaries of tomorrow.
The world is like a movie, like a song. It floats past me, but I do not want to grab hold of a thin thread called civilization.
While all people tried to hold on to the thread as tightly as possible and follow the world. On the contrary, I was chasing the past in order to feel the significance of my eternal life.
Yes, I'm old-fashioned. I am not trying to become a part of this world, but I involuntarily grab onto the fate of Moonlight. So desperately, I grab onto his future because I'm trying to do everything to keep him, me, our little world safe. Even if I know how it will end. Even if I know what the end will be for both of us ...
"I hope you don't miss home. I don't force you to come with me. You should know that," Albert's voice was heard.
And only now, I realized that I was in a spacious flying machine, which slowly cut through the stagnant air.
"I always feel the need to go somewhere. I am always not comfortable where I am. So, the opportunity to live in another dimension is just a joy for me."
Casting a glance at Moonlight, who was sitting in a black suit with a small rose brooch not far from his tie, Albert said, "I see there is a special relationship between you."
None of us was in a hurry to say anything to his words.
"Whatever it is, the main thing is, be careful. You know that now, someone is reading all our thoughts. Therefore, we all better be careful. The world is changing. And no one knows what will happen tomorrow. I must confess, I'm even a little scared. I'm afraid. After all, the creation of the Wizards is not for nothing. Sennhandd and the entire Scientific Council are involved in something. They are planning something that will make this century memorable."
As he spoke, I looked out the window, and it seemed to me that I saw Sennhandd, who was sitting at the wheel of his car.
"I wonder what they're getting by reading our minds? Moonlight, don't you know?"
"No. And I don't think any of the Wizards know why they do what they are told to do. We're just created, and that's all we know."
"You are very different from the rest. Tell me, is it because Oki treats you like an equal?"
Catching Moonlight's gaze on me, I felt my cheeks start to redden.
"Okinizeus, my soul mate. He understands me. He listens to me. He creates a whole world for me," Moonlight said and each word sounded like a part of some great poem.
Albert laughed softly and said nothing more.
All the way, he sometimes looked at me, then at my companion. And only Moonlight knew what this man was thinking. But judging by his smile, I also understood what he was thinking now.
Once in the Alley of Doors, Moonlight, at the sight of a long tunnel that looked intimidating, closed his eyes and suddenly shivered.
The darkness, having completely engulfed our car, left us no choice but to sit and wait for us to arrive at our destination.
"This is just the Alley of Doors," I whispered in his ear, feeling the seat shake from his fright.
"This place reminds me of something," he muttered.
I wanted to hug him, hide, protect him, but because of Albert, I could not do any of this. And I just asked, "About what?"
"I don't know. But it seems, somewhere in the corners of my memory, I ..."
Covering his face as if he was in pain, Moonlight squeezed my hand and when we finally stopped in front of a wooden door, Albert said, "Come on. Hurry. He needs to rest. He probably has a phobia of dark space."
"Can you walk?"