Here, I could not contain myself. I was scared, and when a person is scared, he does everything to throw out his emotions on others.
I punched his face and felt a severe pain in my fist.
"What are you doing? Are you crazy?"
But I didn't stop. Having knocked a completely unfamiliar person to the ground, I began to kick him.
The head was spinning, there was a noise in the ears, the feeling of nausea squeezed the throat and the ability to take a deep breath.
The scream of the man who was lying on the ground, the screams of people around, and the next second I was already running away, feeling pain in my fingers and feeling how someone else's blood dripped down my skin.
After leaving the dimension, leaving the Alley of Doors, which was forever enclosed in the embrace of darkness, I finally found myself in the city. In the very place where the sky was forever gray, forever old and forgotten.
And right there, I heard the screams of angry people.
Through broken robots, unnecessary Wizards who wandered aimlessly through the bloody streets, I was able to get into the very center of the crowd. And when I saw something that cannot be forgiven, I could not stand on my feet. I felt bad and so scared that I wanted to cry from hopelessness.
But someone caught me. Someone hugged me, prevented me from moving. But it was not Moonlight.
Although, in front of me was his brother, sister, the same Wizard as he is. And this creature was subjected to the most severe beating.
People, using sticks, attacked a defenseless creature, which was completely without clothes.
The bright light that emanated from the most ordinary cars covered our heads, and most importantly, the part of the street on which the Wizard was bleeding.
"We will not let creature like you read our minds and encroach on our freedom!"
"This is our freedom! In our thoughts, everyone has the right to be free! We will destroy all Wizards!"
"Let us destroy!"
People shouted the same words over and over, and their hands brandished iron sticks, and with each blow, I could hear the crunch of his ribs and other bones.
Then, in the spotlight, a whole crowd with the same faces brought in a few more Wizards and threw them as if they were things.
Without a single clothes, shivering from the cold, from the damp, from the unpleasant smell of cars, they stood, trying not to move away from each other.
Long strands of hair, like brushes, painted patterns in blood on the wet asphalt. And people, without ceasing, continued to attack, beat, shout.
But the Wizards stood in silence, looking down, and none of them dared to fight back.
"Just look! So innocent, so kind! And how deceitful! Yes, you are the most real evil in this world!" someone shouted.
But I continued to sit on the ground, feeling a complete lack of strength.
Fear is paralyzing. Anxiety makes you weak. Panic turns you into a slave.
"No," I whispered, imagining Moonlight bleeding.
The screams turned into applause. The words of protest turned into laughter.
"Okinizeus, get up," sounded a familiar voice. And suddenly, someone raised me by both hands, and against my will, like a puppet, I just walked somewhere.
Away from this crowd.
But crowds were everywhere. And everywhere, I saw the wounded, dead bodies of the Wizards. And each one seemed to me like Moonlight.
"No," I kept repeating this one word until I felt the icy water on my face.
Now, I have come to my senses. Panic turned into a desire to act.
Sennhandd stood in front of me. And I pounced on him, squeezing his shoulders.
"Where is he?" I asked.
But he just looked at me. With a million questions in his eyes.
I didn't have time to wait for an answer and I just rushed to find him.
What will I do if I see him dead? What will I do if he lies on the cold ground, under the gaze of a thousand people? What will I do then?
It was pain. I was in more pain than all those creatures who were so desperate to focus their attention on me running forward.
But again, Sennhandd stopped me. He was in front of me so sharply that I fell.
Clenching my hands into fists, I screamed loudly. And my cry could not turn into words.
"Calm down. Let's get out of here," Sennhandd said.
"How can you be so calm? How?! Go save them! You've created them!"
Looking into his face, I suddenly noticed something that I had never noticed. I noticed the strongest indifference.
Something in me had changed and I could no longer control myself.
Grabbing him by the collar, I pushed him against the dirty wall and hit him with all my might.
And he didn't even resist.
I used all the fighting skills and I knew that he was in great pain now. Perhaps I wanted to inflict on him the pain that these innocent creatures were now experiencing.
"Why ?! Why did you do that ?!"
"It's Sennhandd, isn't it ?!"
"Is he hitting Sennhandd ?! Someone stop him!"
Suddenly, people began to gather around me.
"Stop him!"
At the very moment when I felt someone's hands on my back, I turned around.
Sleepiness, heaviness, seized me with such force that I, still hearing voices, could not wake up.
Is this how the Wizard feels when he dies?
"He is okay?"
"He'll be fine. He's just sleeping."
"I shouldn't have done that."
"You shouldn't go out into this world alone. It's too dangerous."
"He is waking up!"
I opened my eyes. The pain in my head was too much for me to get up.
But when I saw Moonlight, which was healthy and unharmed, I jumped up and, not paying attention to anyone, I threw myself at him.
It was a feeling of liberation and relief.
Now, the tears were the result of sadness.
"Where have you been? Why are you doing this to me? What have I done wrong to you? How have I offended you?"
When I felt his hand on my head, I cried like a child.
It was a sign of weakness. But I was not ashamed of it.
"I told you he was safe. But you didn't want to listen to me," Sennhendd's voice filled the room. Suddenly, I wanted to say thanks to him. But I couldn't.
Coming to my senses, I got up and looked into those indifferent eyes.
As I understand it, we were in his laboratory. In the same room where he usually liked to sit and think.
How long have I not seen him. And he seems to have changed a bit.
"Why don't you stop it all? You started it all. Why did you just stand there while they were suffering?" I asked, falling into a chair.
I knew he had nothing to say.
"My word doesn't mean anything anymore. It never meant anything, "he replied.
"This is just an excuse. You are the great scientist who made everyone immortal, who eradicated hunger and poverty from this world. You have all the power, all the strength. And you manage to say that?"
"Times are changing. Trust me, I really can't do anything."
Grabbing the vase, I threw it in his direction, but it crashed against the wall.
"Take it easy!" Moonlight exclaimed.
I didn't want to turn into someone bad in front of Moonlight. Therefore, grabbing Sennhandd's hand, I led him out onto the balcony.
Still hearing the noise of the people, I pushed him so hard that he could hardly stand on his feet.
But he did not resist.