27th July, 2294

Orbital Ring. The biggest among all constructions humanity ever made. The original plan estimated the construction will be completed within under fifty years, but numerous difficulties coming up during this major investment, especially concerning works in the upper atmosphere, resulted in project being concluded after seventy seven years.

This number - 77 - according to many superstitious people, should guarantee it to be failure-free and overall successful project. Surely, it was an interesting and symbolic number, made of two 7 digits, 7 for centuries to be considered as a lucky number, mentioned as such in many texts, like New Testament, and by scholars like Pythagoras. Does it really matter though?

Personally, I've never been a superstitious type, so I don't see anything special in this 77 number, despite common beliefs of many others. For me, facts are what matters.

This is the first fruit of so-called mega-engineering, a new field aimed at creation of gigantic constructions, an enormous result of humanity's efforts and a huge achievement of the best engineers. Orbital Ring not only defends the Earth's surface against various cosmic debris like meteorites or comets, of which humanity was extremely afraid in recent centuries, but also serves as a space port, barracks and - in selected sectors - is used for residential areas for those who can afford living there.

Unfortunately, my reason for stay on Orbital Ring is not an effect of having to much money to spare, but being involved in another crucial project supposed to push the whole humanity forward, toward the better future.

Food shortages, lack of resources and space is more and more noticeable on Earth each year. Elites may not feel this on their own skin, and even if they do, such difficulties are not as hard on them as on your average Joe - for now, at least.

Corporations and banks are pulling strings, and politicians dance as they are told, but even the richest, detached from this grim reality, seem to start noticing our planet is unable to keep us fed and allow us to live infinitely as things are. That's the reason why Earth's government reached an agreement for organizing the expedition I'm to participate in.

The New Gaia, as it was labeled for the press, was originally codenamed as Vulpis Omega. Beautiful planet, much bigger than Earth and rich in untouched, natural resources, is dangerous and mysterious at the same time. Despite being seemingly untouched, this planet was a home to sentient and intelligent race, capable of building a gigantic megacity on its surface. An enormous, mega-construction already considered ancient in humanity's terms has been abandoned for unknown reason. But maybe they had a reason we fail to notice?

The truth is, we have no idea who they were and what reasons could they have. For now, at least. After all, one of our targets is to investigate this ancient construction. Too bad we only have limited data, limited information. But what can insignificant individual like me do about decisions made by the government? I'm but a small gear in this civilizational machine, whom no one would listen to, needless to say postpone the mission. Besides, taking into account involving so many big players, no one would dare to openly do anything to cause a delay. Expectations are just too big.

For several months we have been stationed in residential area of Orbital Ring. Nearly eight thousand people, gigantic crew of scientists, specialists, technicians and military, of course. A lot of time is spent on lectures, physical trainings, familiarization with security regulations, and analyzing the data concerning the planet we are to visit. Aside from that, those of us with technical expertise are involved in construction of the ship which is supposed to transport the whole crew safely to another solar system.

This New Gaia looks promising - on paper at least - if we exclude the abandoned megacity with still functional security systems that would send chills down anyone's spine. I saw footage from several scouting bots and felt relief these were machines we sent there.

To be honest, with everything I have learned until now, I don't want to go there even more. After all, I have a good job with nice salary and good standard of life back on Earth. Only recently, I managed to reach the goals I've been aiming for over years. As it stands, I have more than enough wealth, and if I compare it to the old days, this current life of mine seems like heaven.

Even so, I keep thinking back to these old days when my parents were still around. I recall them struggling as they tried to give me everything needed to reach a good future. And now, when I finally got there, they can't see what I achieved. Nothing binds me to my old home now, and I feel no attachment to this area, but whenever recalling that place, all I see are my parents' faces. Now that I sit in my quarters with no place to go on Orbital Ring, I cannot help but get lost in these memories.

With so many bad things related to my neighborhood I have long abandoned, all this weird fight for survival, and no longer having people close to me there, I seem to subconsciously hold on to that place despite all wounds and despair this world gave me.

It's crazy that someone like me, a person who could not think about others since my parents passed away, is supposed to participate in a mission to save the humanity, or so they say. Still, since I lost my parents, nobody cared about me, and that's why I kept telling myself I shouldn't care about others. I might have done contradictory things throughout my life, but I wouldn't call myself a decent human being.

If I'm to be honest, no one can help the whole world at this point. It has become a gigantic cesspit where I don't want to slosh about. If I have a choice, I prefer to stand above it. After all, I doubt the new planet will be openly available to everyone.

Thinking about it, this is somehow funny since I will even much more above this cesspit now. Soon, I will be leaving this world full of falseness and exploitation, even though I managed to find my place here. Being forced to go, I don't find myself happy, and even get scared at times, and don't think anything will visibly change regardless of my participation.

Nevertheless, army has its own rules - you either agree or get kicked in your ass, losing all your privileges. I simply doubt it would be possible for me to keep motivated to live if I were to lose my current standing. So, I may be leaving my current, comfortable post on Earth, but I will still be keeping my rank with better salary and - even though I hardly believe in success of this mission - get a chance leave my mark in history, given it actually survives and there are people to pass it.

Regardless of how sentimental, or even pesimistic I got in this entry, construction of Future is getting close to its finalization. When nearly a year ago I got dragged in this project, I didn't expect they would immediately involve me in construction, stationing me on Orbital Ring. Even more, I couldn't believe the work would progress so fast. Of course, there were many events involved on the way, and many participants had to be sent to Orbital Ring much sooner, forcing many changes in original plan, but project did not collapse.

We are really close to completion indeed. Our module is nearly finished - only things left are small final touches concerning the coating, and propulsion system. And from what I heard, works on other modules proceed smoothly too. Taking current facts into consideration, if there are no problems during connection phase, the expedition should depart from Orbital Ring within the next three months.

While I still have many doubts about this project, I honestly hope this whole work put into building this humongous ship, and gathering so many skilled people won't go to waste. Better this planet be worth of our time.