2nd April, 2296

Way before leaving Earth, we knew how hard this mission would be, and that it will put us to many tests. It was obvious that numerous dangers were awaiting us, things we could not expect to happen in our craziest dreams.

Accidents during construction, then problems on Mars. None of these could not stop us from continuing the expedition. Despite all the problems, we pushed on and on, towards another boundary, never passed before by humanity.

Unfortunately, the longer something goes well, the bigger probability bad things may happen. Life is not that easy for every next day be successful, that's what karma or fate is, people call this differently. The fact is not everything goes as we want it to be.

Once we finally reached accelerator rings and entered the tunnel, many of us felt the worst was over now. And I would've really liked for this to be the case. However, leaving the tunnel turned out to be a much more problematic process than anyone would have expected - even the rings placed on the other end did not help us to keep the ship on optimal course.

According to calculations, Future was supposed to fly with a stable speed, though I'm not sure if the term speed was proper in this case. After all, we had no orientation points, and we could only trust the readings.

Theoretically, everything worked properly, but once we reached the exit point, the power output was set incorrectly in relation to rings on the other end. Even though the captain reacted immediately, our ship got dangerously close to one of the planets in the outer belt. As a result, we got caught into its gravitional field, causing damage to two of the modules.

Due to proper maneuvers, we managed to leave the field and avoid more severe damages, but the size of the damages ended up being serious enough to force higher-ups to put the ship into a drift on the planet's orbit to make repairs needed for continuing the flight.

Unfortunately, we've come upon a serious problem. Resources were needed to make the repairs, but these in ship's storage's could not suffice.