23rd December 2296

Our ship got badly damaged. Just after the jump, it ended up too close to one of the planets and caught in its gravity field. Tragical miscalculation, not including enough parameters concerning the movement of specific planets in the system.

One could say it was first such mission humanity went on, but it cannot excuse such approach - one should be prepared especially well for exactly this kind of situation. It did not work well here and we suffered heavy losses. Even now, as we resumed the flight, repair works continue.

Both people and automatons are working all the time to rebuild damaged sections, put on the new coating and bring up engines to full power. We've made an attempt to obtain resources from the very planet which gravity pulled us in, but instability of the planet's surface forced the teams to run away, abandoning the mission. As a result, we only managed to gather a portion of required resources, and the rest will have to be retrieved at the cost of equipment we have on the ship's board - especially transporters, which are important for the whole expedition. Moreover, the very problem with Zero's tectonics was what caused the need to leave its orbit.

At this point, we don't have any safe spot to make repairs as there is no other planet in the closest vicinity to keep the ship on its orbit. And traveling with this kind of damage is risky, especially considering the state of the ship's coating - to put it in simple words, Future is currently partially naked. As long as we manage to avoid the high density radiation and space objects, we are fine. However, every potential collision can end up catastrophic.

Of course, we can disconnect modules as a last resort, though with current modules' status, we would end up losing important facilities, including plant cultivation units. We are already close to the goal, and everyone hopes avoiding further problems is possible - all we need to do is to keep the ship in one piece until reaching the New Gaia's orbit after all. I would also like this to be the case, but - as realist - I remain sceptical and cautious. I'm not sure why - maybe because of all the incidents so far - I keep having bad feelings. Despite knowing how well this ship was designed, and how many safety measures it is equipped with, I simply cannot shake these bad vibes...