Gaian Pyramids VII

Gusts of wind were strong enough to reach deep into the cave.

Initially, the plan did not include the possibility of going deeper than several dozen meters straight away, but given the situation, they had to adjust and reach farther inside.

The main reason for why it was not considered for early stage of investigation was limited data their scouting team managed to gather for this mission. Going deeper into the cave was supposed to happen gradually after the camp was established, and not in such a rush.

However, scientists in the group were not disappointed. Quite contrary - it turned out the deeper they reached, the more wonders they observed.

In scouts' reports there was only a mention of the big chamber inside the cave, capable of fitting even the landing pods, but it was just a small vestibule compared to other parts of the cave they have managed to see now.

Lower parts were full of the bioluminescence - at some point, the amount of organisms emitting light was high enough for brawlers to no longer have to use built-in artificial light. While mostly produced by plants growing on the walls and ceiling, they also spotted several different animal species - mainly organisms similar to bugs on Earth.

- Fascinating - Jackie was moving from one window to another - We were supposed to set up the camp in this area. Can't we just stay here? We could easily proceed with some decent investigation and research.

- Negative - sarge replied - We can stay here temporarily, until the storm passes by. Then we will set up a camp by the cave's entrance. Only after that you can proceed with investigation.

- But we are already here...

- Yes, in area we have no information about. We cannot take such a risk. Well, unless major Marlow decides otherwise.

Jackie's eyes moved towards John, who felt as if being looked at by a puppy - really, Jackie's reactions were always exaggerated.

- We will adjust the plan a bit, sarge - he said after a moment of thought - We will set a camp in the first chamber. Seeing today's storm, I feel that having additional cover wouldn't hurt us. Moreover, we can start working once the wind eases up, and science team will have time to do some "bonus" investigation. According to your reports, the storm may be going on for hours.

- Of course, you are right, major, sir - Krawczak confirmed - I am aware it is going to take time, but I am mainly concerned about these living things we see around here. Were you able to identify at least one of these we've seen during lectures we had on the way here?

John was not paying that much attention to the organisms inside the cave as others did - after all, he focused more on analyzing current data on weather conditions and their plan concerning the scouting mission.

He had a longer look outside only now, using his PEC to compare organisms in his sight with the database he had loaded - there were no hits.

- You are right, none of them matches my PEC's database - he replied to sarge - Still, it's not that much of a surprise, given we are on the planet that was investigated only vaguely.

- Well, even on Earth we are still finding something new even now - Keira supported what Marlow just said - Personally, I'm not really good with bugs, they seem really creepy, but here I agree with Jackie that we should use the time we have to learn as much as we can.

John looked at her, surprised - he only expected miss Evergate to be active in the topics that are interesting to her, but recently, she started to show him a different side. When he first met Keira, she seemed to be a bookworm type oriented on her own job, whom Marlow would not expect to fit in the field work they were doing. However, all the recent signs were showing him that his assumptions were completely wrong.

Then again, he did not make a comment on that. The most important thing to do now was to secure the area for the temporary camp to wait through the storm, and assure the safety of the team before the scientists and soldiers could proceed with work - the former were to do some basic research, while soldiers were to protect them and do maintanance on their vehicles.

Jackie immediately proceeded to investigate the lifeforms, as it was his field of expertise, supported by another specialist, while Alina went with other to check the rocks and the soil. Each of said two groups had a soldier assigned as a guard, and remaining military men focused on brawlers, specifically on the one that got into accident during their run from the storm. John joined them owing to his engineering knowledge.

- Looking at the damage, we are lucky it got here - said Marlow after checking the main engine - What in the hell happened there?

- There was a flash of light that blinded us - Kris started explaining - Soon after, I lost control of the brawler and we hit one of these iron trees. I guess it might've been a lightning, but it was too sudden.

John kept going through the parts - many elements of the engine got toasted.

- These are used to conduct high voltage, have high heat resistance and got burned to the crisp - he tore apart a bunch of usually sturdy cables with ease, showing them to others - The way brawlers are made, there should be no chance for a lightning to deal such damage to internal parts.

- But what else could it be, major? - Krawczak asked - We are running from the storm, and we know the ones here are much stronger than what we have back on Earth. Wouldn't it be obvious to assume the power of a single thunderbolt is high enough to break all the safeties?

- Electronic components usually are damaged the most in such accidents, that's true. However, this is precisely why brawlers we have for this mission were made differently, and when you look here, you will see even outer layer of the main chamber is slightly melted - John was actually thinking aloud by saying that - Well, it's not like the reason changes anything for us now. We need to make necessary repairs regardless. Still, I will make a note of that to investigate later on.

- Actually, I may have your culprit here - it was miss Evergate who contacted Marlow via PEC - Just come to us to see.

John would rather just stay and focus on fixing the brawler, but based on Keira's tone, it seemed to be something interesting, and he was curious as to what was the reason for her behaving like that.

He did not need additional explanation, because the reason she called him was easily noticeable once one of the cave's walls appeared in front of his eyes - contrary to the other walls of the cave, this one had way too regular shape than the others, and the material it was made of was something he already had a chance to see on this planet.

- Don't tell me it is what I think it is - Marlow started talking, carefully approaching the wall - Did you notice anything suspicious?

Keira shrugged.

- I already looked around a bit - she said - but the surroundings look different compared to the previous one. There seem to be no obelisks in vicinity, though we cannot be sure what else can be hidden under the rock.

It was surely an interesting discovery. Compared to other alien constructions they were aware of on the New Gaia, this one seemed more worn-out. However, despite its appearance that could suggest the structure was older than the ones they knew, the material and technique applied for its construction looked exactly the same as in case of another pyramid they found on the surface. This would mean these might have been built around the same time.

John was curious what happened for such a structure to be buried deep underground, while its sibling stands firmly above the surface. Maybe some kind of cataclysm happened in the past? If it was something big, it might have forced the planet's inhabitants to leave. Still, if that would be the case, why is the another one still above the surface and showing activity? Then again, even with these questions and his own curiosity, major knew one thing.

- With that finding, I'm no longer sure if this area should be considered for the temporary camp - he said to others - Colonel McRae stated that we are to avoid any structures similar to the pyramid we investigated previously. We need to leave this place as soon as possible.

- John, wait! - Keira caught his hand - Can we have a moment, please?

She pointed towards a narrow passage leading to a small chamber. He sighed and went with her.

- Ok, so what's this about, Keira? You want to continue working here, right?

Miss Evergate sat on the ground.

- John, do you mind having a look? I wanted to show you something.

- I hope it is something important. I should go and help with repairs.

Keira pointed at the boulder next to her.

- Just sit. You won't regret that, I assure you.

- Ok - he sat down - I'm all ears.

- Link your PEC with mine.

- Sorry, Keira, but you should know that it's not something I like doing, even if I trust someone.

- Just the visual. It's still something I'm working on, so I cannot send you the full data.

John was hesitant due to his obsession for security, but was curious why would Keira be so mysterious at the same.

- Ok, just the visual then - he confirmed, pairing their PECs - Ready.

- Good, sharing vision with you.

A number of documents appeared in front of him, including images she got from the obelisks here on the New Gaia, and what he believed were pieces of ancient writing back from Earth. In addition to aforementioned, there were files from some kind of application she was using for automating the translation process combined with pieces of hand-writing.

She was browsing through the images, everything visible to John.

- Keira, could you tell me what you are trying to do?

- I'm organizing pieces of data to show you a clear view. Just be patient for a moment longer.

John waited for three more minutes before Keira finally said everything was in place.

- Ok, it is still my speculation to some extent - she started - that's why I didn't mention it until now. However, I found a small tablet in this cave's wall that shows a pattern which gives more credibility to my idea. Look carefully.

Marlow was looking carefully at what she was showing to him - at some points, he was not entirely sure if he was understanding correctly, but the final conclusion was something he ended up saying aloud.

- "Power source", "energy", "connections"... So, this kind be a part of worldwide energy grid, is that what you are saying?

- I was hoping you could help figure it out. The language here, it's really complex, and has a lot of connections to several ancient languages known on Earth, so I'm getting more and more confident in my research so far. At the same time, unless we get some kind of additional confirmation, for example confirm the application of this structure, that would add credibility...

- Wait, are you only thinking about your academic work now? Keira, tinkering with a technology we don't know may be deadly to everyone we have here.

- Says the guy who tinkered with the alien barrier and worked on those aliens' terminal to open the path. John, I really understand we should be careful, but it doesn't mean we should do nothing. If you ask me, colonel McRae exaggerates in terms of safety measures. You feel that too, after all you were the one who let us check the deeper parts of the cave. Imagine most of the people traveling here from our current camp to learn we have this alien structure next to us. If you didn't agree, we wouldn't even know.

Marlow knew that miss Evergate had a point there. Nevertheless, he was responsible for this scouting party, and needed to think about potential consequences his decisions could bring.

- Ok, we will not evacuate immediately to give you a bit more time to work - he told her finally - But you need to promise to notify me should you notice anything alarming.

- Of course, thank you, John.

Having decided, though not without doubts, Marlow went back to help with fixing the brawler.