Poem 13

I was a widow to the world

That hung low and vacant

Beneath my aching paws.

Tumbling down with the

Slightest tremble in my

Hollow bones that weeped

And groaned in my steps.

My ocean eyes were 

Shadowed, resembling

A withering storm.

The stars were painted

Black that night. They

Refused to burn and

Shed their light.

The sky had wept and

Rained heavy, the weight

Brutal in dark, sombering hours.

The human beside me was

Riddled with a stone face,

His breathing shallow while

He shuffled wearily, strained 

Eyes dark-rimmed and tired.

Violet clouded and steeped 

Like a slow morning fog, 

His worn gaze distraught.

I stayed by his side, yet the

Longer I did the more he

Grew unsteady and torn 

Between his thoughts.


Guilt swarmed within the

Racing heartbeat I felt 

When he gathered me 

Into his quivering arms.

He pressed my fur into his

Chest as if he was counting

The passing time mutely.

Everyone was tense around us.

A confused rumble started in

My throat, fuzzy ears flicking.

A hand was placed atop my

Head as I blinked up at the

Nerve-ridden human while he

Breathed out a quiet hush.

His grip didn't dare loosen,

Nor did he falter as the metal

Box we were in came to a halt.


Everyone stepped out into a

Large room, with strange

Stands lined in a circle.

My ears flattened upon

Noticing the bear in front,

Sitting on a red chair behind

A wooden podium, the cubs

Lined up in front of it.

The human who carried me

Walked up to a stand as the

Rest of them followed suit.

I felt a breath hovering 

Above me, warm chin

Resting on my head as

A whispering lull was

Murmured softly, dull

And quiet keeping.

"This is a class trial, 

Lavender, alright? 

I know you don't like

Loud noises, so just 

Stay close to me."

His gaze was burning,

A violet fire glowering

At everyone around us.

His stature was a bundle

Of tight-knitted nerves.

Was he afraid of the

Other humans?


The voices were thunderous, 

A pattering of unruly echoes

Dancing across a raging storm,

Becoming darker as time ticked on.

I caught the bear's gaze, my

Own eyes wide as he had the

Audacity to let out a snicker.

My gaze narrowed in spite.

He enjoyed the turmoil and

Downfall of others, without

An ounce of shame or dignity.

I could very well sense it.

Fingertips laced around

The fur of my cheek.

I let my shoulders unwind.

The arguing lasted for a

Long while, until it all came

Crashing down, unyielding.


And there was a bloodbath.

Everything went still, the 

Overwhelming horror in

The air hung by a thread.

A cruelly shrill and boisterous

Laugh caused my head to turn

To the bear, poisonous vapor

Staining his ill-coated tongue.

"It's the cat's first time 

Witnessing an execution, 

Although it seems to me

She didn't really like it!"

I was pulled closer to my 

Human friend's chest, 

Looking up I saw his

Twisted expression.

His lips were drawn

Into a scowl, violet

Eyes ablaze while

He glared at the bear.

Unadulterated and raw

Was the anger seeping

Through him, no filters

Carved into his face.


My tail curled slightly as I

Leaned up and nudged his

Chin, lapping the warm

Skin as I forced a purr to

Break the air's tension.

Violet eyes widened as

He glanced down at me.

As everyone else was 

Staring at the bear, 

He sighed with a smile.

"Thank you, 


Character Key (Based on Eye Color):

Violet- Kokichi