I startled awake abruptly, a
Flash of white as the fog
Cleared, memory fading.
My heart dropped like a
Dull stone in a red river.
Don't get attached.
Copper was taken and
History repeats itself.
My blank stare at the
Blades of grass that
Shuddered against my
Wind tousled fur came to
An end, the silence deafening.
One day passed. Then two.
I strayed away from everyone,
Not wanting to risk losing
Another I trusted, despite
Having already lost him.
Yet I realized it was too late
Once my weary paws stepped
Into the room filled with books
And heard a strained voice.
Violet eyes set fire to the
Morning haze, clouded over
As a mantra of cryptic words
Tumbled from his tongue like
A falling downward spiral.
Trembling hands reached up
And brushed away strands of
Knotted dark hair, pale skin
A stark contrast that twisted
And curled relentlessly.
He spoke mindlessly,
Breathing unhinged
And gaze unfocused.
"I can't get attached. I
Know what I have to do
In order to end this killing
Game, so I need to make
Everyone stay away from
Me to make this easier."
My ear flicked as I
Watched deft fingertips
Claw at dark hair and
Pale skin, ears flattening
In concern for the human.
Cautiously, I crept
Towards my most
Trusted human friend.
He was wrapped in
Invisible tightropes
Created by himself.
I spoke to him, my
Tongue knotted.
"Hello? It's me, Rose.
Are you alright, friend?"
The human's breath
Hitched as he snapped
His line of vision to mine.
Words stumbled over,
Rolling off his tongue
Like fickle vapor as
His eyes widened.
"Lavender? I--
No, I can't."
My tail swept across
An opened book laying
On the hazel lit floor.
Would now be a bad
Time to ask him to be
My new owner?
His jaw clicked shut
When I tilted my chin
At him, waiting for a
Reponse with patience.
The quiet in the air
Became unsettling.
He stepped back.
"I'm sorry, but I'm busy
Doing something very
Important right now,
Lavender. You should
Take your leave. Please."
He refused to meet
My gaze, instead
Turning his back.
I stepped closer.
The human sensed
This and left the room,
Door creaking in his
Sudden absence.
He rounded the corner
Of the hallway, the
Sound of a door click
Following a moment after.
My heart began weigh
Heavy, eyes downcast.
I sat in the deathly quiet.
Did I do something wrong?
My lungs started burning.
Why would he feign ignorance?
My heart rumbled weakly.
I still trust him, which is odd.
My saltwater eyes grew sour.
What happened?
My last thought flickered.
A shallow overcast hung
Still above me, ocean tides
Unsteady and deep in the
Mist of my silent drowning.
Eventually, I became tired enough
To slowly lay me down and rest.
Character Key (Based on Eye Color):
Violet- Kokichi