Lucy's Journey, Something You Choose For Yourself

Leeds swiveled his head towards Sky. "How did you hear about that?" After seeing the blank expression he turned to Kronos who too was mirroring the blank expression.

"Well… he has to know about it at some point… doesn't he..." Kronos shrugged as he slumped down in his office chair, looking exhausted.

"Long ago, when the giants first took the thrones from the gods, the oracle of Delphi came before them… and delivered a prophecy, a potential future if you will..." Kronos explained as Leeds grumbled, "The prophecy goes something like this."

The room darkened as an uneasy air settled. "What is stolen shall be reclaimed, endless blood will flow until the thrones disappear, those that have vanished shall emerge and with their last breaths you… shall disappear..." As Kronos finished the uneasiness disappeared.

"What-" Sky was interrupted.

"We don't know… except for the fact that the twelve giant siblings can only be killed by you half-bloods and with their deaths, the prophecy would somewhat be true." Kronos answered Sky's question.

"Ok..." Sky trailed off.

"If that's all then leave!" Leeds growled, "Tomorrow's your first day of training."

"Wai-" Kronos stopped after looking at the expression on Leeds' face. He knew that no matter what he would say, nothing would convince him otherwise.

Sky realized that this is his time to leave and turned around, quickly making his way down the stairs and out of the giant building and to the underground prison. He found his way to his cell and entered.

"Welcome back..." Lucy said in a hushed voice, in her lap Matthew quietly snored as drool fell from his mouth.

"Yeah." Sky said as he quietly made his way to the far wall and slumped down against it.

"You had a rough first day didn't you? Most of us do..." She tried stirring up some conversation, "So, what does tomorrow hold in store for you?"

"Training..." Sky grumbled, burying his head in his arms.

"Training huh? I guess you are the only child of Zeus alive..." She said. There was some awkward shuffling and sounds of chains moving followed by Matthew grumbling in his sleep.

Suddenly Sky felt a warm hand on his head, reminding him of his mother. It gently moved around, scratching his head and ruffling his hair.

"There, there..." Lucy said with a warm smile, "Why don't you tell me about it…?"

Sky's lip quivered as he started explaining what had happened, the talk with Kronos, his fight with Don and the prophecy he had heard.

"So Cronell is gone… He was a good man, always coming to visit us prisoners and treating us." Lucy reminisced.

"Lucy… can I ask how you ended up here?" Sky finally said.

".... sure… but are you sure you want to know?" She finally said after a few moments of silence.

Sky nodded as she continued to gently rub his head.

"My father, Matthew and I used to live in a village a large distance away from here… with my husband." She started, "We were living peacefully and enjoyed everyday to its fullest in our village."

"But one day a large human appeared, yelling and shouting." Her voice grew quiet, "It started destroying houses and killing people, wreaking havoc in the village."

"To protect us, my husband went to fight it, but a creature of that size cannot be fought…" She stopped for a few seconds, composing herself, "In a few moments it was on top of our home, my father led Matthew and I out of the village and told us to continue running west until we couldn't anymore."

"Quietly listening to him, I did so, for hours, days, weeks we continued to run grabbing whatever food was growing along the way to eat until we reached the nightmare woods." She explained.

"Along with us came the beast, who was quickly shot down in front of us." She said, "The people here guided us inside and gave us food and in a matter of hours decided we were not worth anything to them and tossed us here."

"But after a few months they came back and taught me how to control my powers and now I help out at the infirmary while Matthew stays here." She finished.

"We get food regularly, and have odd jobs to do around here but other than that we cannot leave these barred walls, the equivalent of prisoners." She said.

Sky looked up and saw tears streaming down her face. He panicked, looking around wildly before getting close and wiping the tears from her eyes. Lucy let out a small chuckle and smiled at the panicked movements of Sky, reminding her of a child.

"Sorry… I shouldn't have asked that..." Sky muttered after a little while.

"No… it's fine… whatever happened was in my destiny… there's no changing that." She said slowly.

Once again the word made Sky mad. The idea of being controlled, not being able to choose for himself sickened him.

"If you don't like it here then why are you still here? If this destiny of yours is treating you so wrongly, why don't you go against it!" Sky said the last few words in anger.

"Sky… destiny is not something you can choose or change, it is given to you from the moment you were born… no matter how hard you try or try not to fulfil it, it will always come true..." Lucy explained seeing the anger flare up in Sky.

"But… purpose is something that you can choose… it is a winding road that is challenging but a road that you choose to follow." Lucy explained, seeing the anger die down.

"Listen Sky, you may not always be able to choose whether you want to fight or not, but you will always be able to choose why you fight." She finished.

Sky stared blankly at her.

"Now then, this is enough for tonight… you have a long day ahead of you tomorrow… good night." She turned around and laid down on the cold stone floor, holding Matthew tight.

Sky stared for a few moments before leaning his head against the wall and drifting off into a slumber of his own.