Moving In

Since Jacob is not familiar with the place once in a while he stops whenever they come to an intersection. Although J is very familiar with the place, she never dared to tell him which way to take to avoid talking to him. She just let him choose.

Then they reached an intersection in front of a hill. The whole province of Lantana is a mountainous province surrounded by the ocean. So, hills, mountains, and oceans are very common scenery. Jacob was torn about which road to take since both looked the same. But the other road has signage in it. "Lodgepole Estate." Jacob read the sign. When J heard it, she opened her eyes and saw that they arrived at the entry road of Lodgepole Estate.

"Hey, Jenny. Are you familiar with this place? Have you been here? Which road do you want us to take?" Jacob asked J.

She rolled her eyes then said, "Whatever road you take as long as it will take me home."

"Ok then. Let's see this Lodgepole Estate." Then Jacob continued driving. That road goes around a hill. It was like a small peninsula because it is almost surrounded by the ocean. The whole place is a property part of the Lodgepole Estate.

Not long after they passed by the Lodgepole Estate. "Hey, Jenny. Look at this house. Wow...the view is breathtaking! I wonder if there is anyone who lives here. It looks so quiet and peaceful. I'd love to have a day off in this house. Right! I got an idea. Let's buy a house here in Lantana near the ocean and mountains with this kind of view. It will be our vacation house. What do you think?"

J looked at the house. She should be lying in her bed enjoying the view at this moment if it wasn't for this guy. At the thought of that, her lips turned upside down and gave Jacob an irritable glare.

"What? Did I say something wrong?" Jacob was confused upon seeing J's reaction.

Jacob continued driving, they passed by an orchard and a horse farm then they ended up in another intersection.

"Why are there a lot of intersections here? Which way?" Jacob said while tapping the steering wheel with his fingers, his head looking left and right.

"Take the left road," J said indifferently.

"I knew it. All along you knew this place," Jacob said beating the steering wheel upon hearing what J said.

"Are you slow? It's common sense if we take the other road it will only lead back to where we came from." J said in disbelief although deep inside her, she just wanted to go home already that's why she told him the right way.

Soon they arrived at J's apartment. J was not surprised that Jacob already knows where she lived. However, she was surprised that Jacob parked his car in the underground parking of the apartment building that is intended for the tenant. The apartment building provided each tenant with a parking space where they can park their car. But since J "doesn't have a car", the parking space provided for her has always been vacant.

But not this time, because Jacob parked his car in that parking space provided for her. "You don't have to park your car here. You should've dropped me in front of the apartment." J said feeling uneasy. Why does she have that feeling that she won't be able to push Jacob away that easily?

"Hmm... this is your parking space, right?" Jacob asked.


"I'll be using this space from now on." After Jacob said that he walked towards the elevator with his hands in his pocket.

"What? Wait," J hurriedly followed him. He reached him inside the elevator. Jacob then pushed the button of the elevator to the 5th floor.

"Wait! What do you mean by that?" she pushed the stop button of the elevator. "And what do you think you are doing? Where are you going?" J said with a distressed tone.

Jacob didn't answer, instead, he pushed the elevator's button. Finally, they reached the fifth floor. Jacob walked towards J's unit acting familiar as if he has been a resident of that building for a long time.

Jacob faced J with his palm open facing upward then said. "Give me your key."

J looked at him. Not moving.

"I won't leave until you're inside." After she heard that, J took out the key from her bag and opened the door of her apartment. As soon as the door opened, Jacob went inside it.

After a few steps, he stopped and scanned the place. The apartment has a living room with a sliding glass door opening to the balcony. There is a four-seater dining table. There are three other doors, probably the kitchen, bedroom, and bathroom. Overall the whole place is cozy.

"Ahem..." Jacob was interrupted by J. "It's getting late now. And I'm inside now."

Jacob sat on the sofa. "Aren't you going to leave?" J said getting snappy.

"No," Jacob said, smiling at her.

"What?" J getting angry.

"I'm moving in." After Jacob said that. He stands up and walks towards the doors that he saw earlier.

"What do you mean moving in?" J followed him feeling agitated. Jacob opened the first door and saw that it was the kitchen then said, "Since you don't want to choose between my villa or your apartment, I decided to move in here in your apartment."

Then Jacob opened the second door and saw that it was the bedroom. "No, you can't do that?" J was furious.

"Why can't I? I'm your husband," Jacob said with his arm crossed in his chest then he opened the last door and saw that it was the bathroom.

J was about to say something when the doorbell rings. She was in a sudden panic so she pushed Jacob inside the bedroom and closed the door and said "Don't you dare make any sound." Then shot him with a warning look.

J rushed towards the door and looked at the peephole to see who could be coming to her apartment at this hour. When she saw who it was, she let out an exasperated sigh and opened the door.

"Hi...Uhm.... is Dr. Jacob here?" James asked J awkwardly.

"I'm here." Jacob came out of the bedroom and approached James. "Did you bring it?" Then he looked at a luggage bag in James' left hand and another hand carry bag in his right hand with a satisfied look.

"Yes, it's all in here," James said then left the bags in front of Jacob.

J looked at the two men with an intent to kill when she saw the bags that James had brought. She crossed her hands in her chest and cleared her throat.

James looked at her startled then said "I-I should be going now...." Without looking behind he rushed towards the elevator away from J's apartment.

Jacob closed the door and nearly jumped out of his skin when he turned around and saw J looking at her as if she was about to kill him.

"What's with that look?" Jacob asked in a cold sweat.

"What's this?" J said in a cold tone without taking her eyes on Jacob.

"What? I told you I'm moving in." Jacob answered in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Ahhh!!" J screamed and hit Jacob's arm in irritation. "Who gave you permission? Huh? Did I allow it? Damn it! Where are you going to sleep here? Ah! I hate you! You... a rotten egg!" J was fuming with anger as she continuously hit Jacob.

Jacob can't help but be amazed by this woman's anger. He even finds her cute. He chuckles as he tries to dodge J's beating. "Hey! Stop it! I told you before that I'm willing to try this marriage. I also asked you to choose whether to stay in my villa or your apartment but you seemed to be not interested in moving into my place so I made the sacrifice and moved into yours. And besides, what's wrong with you and me living together? We're husband and wife so that's normal.

"We are not a normal husband and wife!" J corrected him.

"Well maybe we are married in a not normal way but that doesn't mean we can't live like a normal married couple. I am just making an effort not to be stuck in just knowing that we were married five years ago. At least I have to do something." Jacob paused for a second then continued "Well...divorce is not in the options ok...not now."

J looked at him in disbelief. She really can't understand this guy's way of thinking. She sighed...this is going to be a long and sleepless night.

J tried to calm down by closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. Then she walks towards the kitchen to take a glass of milk. She felt like she was drained out of energy. She's never going to win against this guy. At least not now.

J walked to the balcony and sat down in the armchair as she drank her milk. She saw Jacob take his luggage to the bedroom. Ah, the nerve of this guy! Feeling so at home.

J remembered that she promised to call back Lance. So, she grabbed her phone and dialed his number.

"Miss J, are you home? What happened?" Lance worriedly asked J on the other line.

"I crashed into Jacob's car. Police came. He told the police to confiscate my license and impound my car. That's how they got my license and car. Did you get it back?" J told Lance what happened.

"Yes, I got it. So how did you explain to him about the car?" Lance asked.

"We haven't talked about it yet."

"Mm... where are you now?"

"At my apartment..."

"How did you get home?"

"He drove me home.... actually... he's here. He moved in." J finally told Lance about her situation.

"What? Are you out of your mind? Why did you let him?" Lance was furious when he heard that Jacob moved into J's apartment.

"I know. I'm just...tired and… I... I can't think properly. I just can't win over him." J sighed feeling defeated.

Lance felt J's frustration so he didn't nag at her anymore. He sighed and asked her "How do you feel about him?"

J blushed and suddenly felt hot when she heard him ask her that question. At the same time, she saw Jacob come out in the living room. It looks like he already had a shower and is now wearing black pants and a white shirt. This is the first time she saw him in house clothes. And damn he looks good with just a shirt on and wet hair. J felt a lump in her throat and suddenly she was speechless.

"J? Are you still there?" Lance called out on J.

"Huh? Ah yes... I… I'm still here." She remembered what Lance asked her earlier. "H-how do I feel about him? Why would you ask that? Ah, I have to go. Bye!" J stuttered and suddenly felt awkward so she immediately finished their conversation and hung up.

She let out a big sigh. She gathered all her courage to walk inside the living room. Why does she feel foreign in her own house? While this guy looks so relaxed on the sofa doing some paperwork.

In the bedroom, she saw Jacob's clothes hanging in the closet. Urgh...this is so frustrating. Why does he feel so at home while she is having a hard time taking in what's happening?

She went to the bathroom to drown all her frustration and think of a way how to get rid of Jacob.

J was soaking in the tub for almost half an hour now. Her eyes closed as she remembers what Jacob just said earlier. 'that doesn't mean we can't live like a normal married couple'....'At least I have to do something'. When she realized the words of Jacob, she suddenly opened her eyes.

Wait...what does he mean by acting like a normal married couple? Does it include sleeping together and... At the thought of that, she suddenly rose the tub. No, she can't let that happen. She has to get to her bedroom and lock herself. She can't let Jacob enter her room and sleep in her bed.

But to her surprise when she entered her room, Jacob was already asleep in her bed. What the heck? She thought Jacob was still in the living room doing some paperwork. How long has she been in the bathroom? How could he fall asleep as fast as that? Where is she going to sleep? This is her apartment. This is her bedroom. This is her bed so she should be the one sleeping there. But how could she sleep there beside Jacob? Should she sleep beside him? Damn it!

J walked closer to the bed. But this guy, how could he be more handsome when he is asleep. His hair is now a bit messy compared to his usual daily hairstyle is almost similar to superman's hairstyle. She scanned Jacob's face, this man is no doubt every girl's weakness. His prominent jaw and broad chin, deep-set eyes and thick eyebrows, high cheekbones, and sometimes, well actually most of the time he showed his left cheek dimples whenever he smiles. And yes, that thin lips.

"Enjoying the view?" She was startled when Jacob suddenly spoke. Apparently, he was awake all this time. Jacob slowly opened his eyes and teased her with a smile.

"You..." J was dumbstruck, she threw a pillow on Jacob then walked out of the bedroom. She can even hear Jacob laughing. She felt her cheeks blushed.

She regained her calm after a couple of minutes then got back to the bedroom.

"I'm afraid it'll be uncomfortable for me to sleep beside you so could you please get out of my room now. You can sleep on the sofa if you really want to stay here. If you can't sleep on the sofa you can always go back to your precious villa." J said calmly.

"If you can't sleep beside me...It's not my problem." After saying that Jacob turned his back on J pulled a pillow into his embrace then he slept.

J tried her best but she failed. In the end, she put a pillow in the middle of her queen size bed and lay down on the other side of the bed with her back facing Jacob. She pulled her blanket up to her neck and tried her best to fall asleep.