
"Stop staring and start talking," J said in an annoyed tone without looking at him.

Jacob chuckled then started talking.

"Okay, the last time we were here I noticed that you liked this place so I tried to purchase this estate for you."

What? Tried to purchase the Lodgepole Estate for her? As in for her? What for? J thought to herself while looking at Jacob amused.

"I haven't got you a wedding present so I thought this one is a great idea..." Jacob looked at her intently. "But...I can't find the owner. This property is not even listed in the real estate registrar."

J sighed, she felt bad knowing his intention was and she didn't expect him to find a wedding present for her.

She knew she cannot hide this secret anymore from Jacob so she decided to speak, "This estate is owned by my grandfather, I grew up here. When he died he left this to me."

"The fact that it is not listed in the real estate registrar doesn't mean that it is not registered. This was a private property anyways, we have all the necessary documents and titles to prove that this property is mine."

"That's not what I mean..." Jacob said defensively.

"I know what you are thinking. You are wondering how did my grandfather acquire this large property knowing we are not a rich family. That I won't be able to answer as I didn't question my grandfather before."

"And if you are wondering how am I able to maintain this property? This estate is self-sustaining. It has an orchard and horse farm. And I only got a few people to run this place so it is not hard to maintain." J has said a lot about the Lodgepole Estate.

She was able to answer the questions that Jacob wasn't able to voice out. He felt that she was starting to open up to him.

"So, every day off you spend it here?" Jacob asked.

"I only have two days off. The first day I spent here and the second day as you know I spend at either Eve's or Martha's. You already know where I spend my day off. Are you satisfied?" J replied.

"More than satisfied." Jacob smiled.

There was a moment of silence. J continued drinking her tea while looking at the vast ocean.

Jacob watched the calmness of the ocean. It was a great day indeed. The weather is calm, the sun shines everywhere in the estate yet the breeze coming from the ocean is cold.

Jacob straightened his back and without looking at J he said, "Honey...I am sorry if my persistence irks you but it just worries me whenever you go out on your own without my knowledge. I know you have been doing these things before but it is different now. You are part of me now. And whether you like it or not I am part of you. I can't just not care about you. I don't know why but I do."

Jacob turned his head to look at J's reaction. She was staring at him without a blink.

I am a part of him and he is a part of me... J seems to be pondering over what he just said. His word sends thrills to her heart yet she's having complex emotions.

"When I said that I want to buy this property for you, I knew you would think that I am just bluffing but I am not. I would give and do anything for you. Even if you don't want me to. When I found out that I am married, the first thing that I wanted to do is to get a divorce... for you. You don't know how relieved I was when I heard that your name is Jenny Do and confirming that you are the Jenny Do that I was married to." Jacob stood up and stretched out his body.

"I'm going. See you tomorrow." This place is so relaxing. How he wishes that he could stay longer, but he promised J that after they were done talking, he would leave.

And just like that, Jacob left the Lodgepole Estate leaving J dumbstruck. She wanted to stop him and tell him to stay yet she couldn't move as if she was frozen in place. She wanted to run after him but she can't even breathe properly.

She is in front of an ocean but she can't hear the sound of the waves because only the sound of her heart beating so fast and loud, she can only hear.

There were a lot of questions she wanted to ask him, how dare he just say those things and leave. How dare he promised her to leave after their talk. If only she had known that their talk would turn out this way, she would never let him promise that.

But what if he didn't leave? What would she say?

She got confused. He said he cared for her, he would do anything for her, he would give her anything. If he was married to another woman, he would divorce her. Does it mean he loves her?

No. J furrowed her brows. She doesn't want to make assumptions. Then what does he mean? She's getting irritated. He just made things more complicated.

In her annoyance, she threw the teacup forcefully and smashed into the railings of the terrace then stood up and walked inside the mansion with her clenched fist.

He's getting into her nerves.

While Jacob is driving back to Lotus City a smile is plastered on his face. He left something for J to think about. He intentionally said those words to her then left. He wanted to know how she would feel after that.

Since he met her, he felt something special towards her. He felt a sense of possessiveness towards her. He doesn't want anyone touching or eyeing her. Not even calling her! Which he never felt towards any woman before.

He was not ready to get married yet, but when he found out that he was married to her, he never hesitated and was very much willing. He embraced it.

Before he was a ladies' man but now, he doesn't want to flirt with any woman except her.

He loves her scent, her warmth, her softness. He loves it when she smiles, when she's angry, he loves her complexity. He loves everything about her.

He has fallen in love with her!

And he will do everything to win his wife.

Back at Lotus City, he didn't go directly to the hospital, instead, he continuously drove near the boundary of Lotus City and Naupaka County.

He stopped in front of a tall gate. On the sides of it were two towers with a uniformed private army on top of it.

The gate opened automatically, about one kilometer from the gate is a beautifully architectured 3-story building with signage on top of it that says "Twelve Army".

It was inside thousands of acre private facility that is heavily guarded and surrounded by a tall perimeter fence.

When he walks inside the building a uniformed man meets him at the entrance and salutes at him.

"Has everyone arrived?" he asked with authority.

"Yes, sir! They're waiting for you at the conference room." the man replied while walking fast beside Jacob trying to keep up with his pace.

When the door to the conference room opened, twelve uniformed high-ranking officials were sitting at a long table who stood up upon seeing Jacob entering the room.

Everyone sits down including Jacob. He looked at the officials in front of him. Most of them were in their late 40's to late '50s while some were of his age which is mid 30's up to early '40s. They were the 12 officials of the Twelve Army under Jacob Parker.

Twelve Army is a private army company that trains and supplements private army to high-status groups or individuals. Founded by Benjamin Augustus Parker, Jacob's grandfather. It was named after the twelve armies that are headed by these twelve high-ranking officials in front of him.

Each army is named after the 12 zodiac signs which are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. These armies consist of several teams of skilled agents that are assigned to different assignments.

Their assignments could be as security of the VIP, private army of big political and business personalities or celebrities or to aid the government military with their assignments as private army contractors.

"I'm sorry for summoning all of you here on such short notice," Jacob said with a tone of superiority.

"It's fine Boss, it's been a long time since you called us for a meeting. The last time was when you were still overseas and was through a video call. Finally, you are here." Taurus said.

Since the armies are named after the Zodiac sign, their leaders were aliased based on the army that they lead.

"Thank you, Taurus." It's been a while since Jacob came back and he only had a chance today to meet them. He has been busy with the hospital and his marriage.

"But I noticed that James is not here?" It was Pieces who spoke up.

"I had him attend some meetings on my behalf. So how's the expansion going on?" Jacobs started his agenda.

It's been a couple of months since the Twelve Army started its international expansion. At first, he was hesitant to do it but his grandfather wanted it so badly. It was his dream. He said that Jacob should start the process of expansion and he will find sufficient funding as if they were lacking for it. Which started to arrive a couple of years ago. He didn't question him about where the funds are coming from as Elder Parker doesn't want his decisions to be questioned.

He assumed that while he went nomadic, he is also gathering funds from international organizations.

But what he didn't know is that the funds have been coming from The Robin Hood Society.

"It's been going on smoothly Boss. We have been receiving assignments from the neighboring country and we were able to provide them sufficiently." Gemini reported enthusiastically.

"Good." Jacob was pleased with the report. Then he furrowed his brows when he remembered something. "The government is asking for additional aid?"

"Yes. The war in the Southern Camelia Province is increasing and the government asked for additional assistance. Should we send them mercenaries?" Sagittarius voiced his hesitancy towards sending their team into wars.

Jacob thought for a while then said, "Our agents were trained for wars. I do not doubt their capabilities. But remind the government that our agents will act as an aid only. Additional support and manpower. Not their first line of defense. I don't want the life of my agents to be wasted by the government's self-induced wars."

"Copy that Boss!" Sagittarius replied in agreement.

"By the way, Capricorn, I want you to pull out your best team from their assignment. I have an assignment for them." Jacob turned to the official on his left side. Capricorn is considered as the strongest army among the twelve and its teams were the most skilled.

"But Boss, your father already pulled them out for a special assignment just recently." Capricorn was torn.

"My father? For what special assignment?" Jacob was furious. He never expected his father to meddle with his work in the Twelve Army. This was the first time that he pulled out a highly skilled team from their assignment to carry out a special assignment for him.

He was supposed to assign them to protect his wife. Probably he was so overprotective of her, but he just felt that he had to do it.

"It was a highly confidential assignment Boss. He said that he wanted my team to protect a VVIP secretly. I just received the order right here earlier but I haven't seen it yet."

Jacob raised his brows. Who could be this VVIP that should be protected secretly?

He reached out for the folder that Capricorn handed over to him. Curiously he opened the folder and his eyes widened as he saw the photo and the name of the VVIP.

It was his wife, Jenny Do. Details such as her job, address, significant others, and spouse which is his name were written there. But there are no other details as to why she needs protection.

His brows furrowed. He knows it was a bit over the top to use the best team to protect his wife but it turns out that his father is thinking the same way too.

His reason is that he just wanted the best for her but what could be his father's reason?

He handed the folder back to Capricorn and said, "Carry it out!" in a cold tone.

Capricorn opened the folder and read the assignment details and was shocked to see the name of his Boss as the husband of the VVIP.