Private Security Details

At Jade's Apartment, J is sitting on the sofa frequently looking at the wall clock while reading something that Lance emailed her on the laptop. Once she was done, she closed her laptop and looked again at the wall clock. It's almost ten o'clock. J looked at the door waiting for it to open then she frowned. Subconsciously, she is waiting for Jacob.

With nothing left to do, she opened the television and decided to watch a movie. She chose to watch a suspense, thriller movie by her favorite Hollywood actress Sandra Bullock.

The movie was over and Jacob hadn't come home yet. She is wondering what kind of meeting lasts until midnight. She frowned, getting irritated she threw the throw pillow at the television.

Staring at the credits she felt her eyes getting tired until she didn't know how she fell asleep. Beast who was watching her, walked over to her and lay beside J on the sofa.

Jacob came home feeling content. His day ended with a lot of accomplishment. Tomorrow, Capricorn's A-Team will arrive unbeknownst to J. He felt relieved that a skilled team will look over her during the times that he cannot. Somehow, he felt like he really needed to hire security for his wife.

Jacob opened the door of the apartment to find the television still on. He frowned and looked at the sofa. His heart melts seeing his wife lying there asleep, but later on, his brows snapped together looking at Beast who lays beside his wife.

He slowly walked towards them and talked to Beast who was now looking at him. "Hey! Go to sleep with your own wife! Shoo!" he said in a low voice.

Beast who seemed to understand stood up and went back to his usual spot.

Jacob sat in a space beside J to watch her sleeping. He brushed off some of her hair strands with his finger to see clearly the face of the goddess in front of him. He wonders how long she has been asleep on the sofa. He turned off the television then gently carried J in his arms bridal style towards their bedroom.

J felt herself float, she opened her eyes and her face immediately turned crimson when her eyes met the godly face of her husband. It seems like he's carrying her and doesn't mind her weight at all.

Jacob felt her gaze and looked at her. "Hmm... honey, did I wake you up?"

Being caught in the act of staring at him, J averted her gaze and frowned.

"You can put me down now."

Jacob who already reached the bedroom put her down gently on the bed.

J looked at him accusingly and said, "Where have you been?"

Jacob was surprised at first, that was the first time that J asked him of his whereabouts. "I had a meeting," he replied shortly.

J raised her left brows and said, "Meeting at midnight?"

Jacob smiled teasingly at her, "Jealous are we."

J was startled, she realized that she sounds now like a jealous wife. She shook her head internally and didn't reply, instead turned her back to him and closed her eyes pretending to sleep.

Jacob amusedly smiled then remembered something. "By the way, you'll be in the morning shift tomorrow."

Hearing that J suddenly turned to look at him with a questioning look.

"No, I'm on the night shift starting tomorrow."

Jacob who is now taking his shirt off replied, "No, I called James to arrange your schedule. You'll be in the morning shift tomorrow. It'll be difficult for me to be in the night shift again these coming days."

J furrowed her brows, the last time she was in the night shift Jacob also worked at night and slept with her in the day leaving most of his work to James. Probably that's the reason why he suddenly changed her schedule.

She looked at the clock, it was almost one o'clock in the morning. Damn it! She only got four hours to sleep. If she had known, she wouldn't have waited for him.

Jacob who had gone to shower is now back and lay down in the space beside her. He pulled her close to him and made her head rest on his chest and wrapped his arms around her.

The next morning.

"We're in position." Jacob read the text message that was sent to him by Arthur just a minute after J walked out of her apartment. The day started, as usual, J walked her way towards the hospital while Jacob drove with his SUV after her. To avoid suspicion J insisted that they should never go to work together and never talk inside the hospital.

"Guys, don't you think the boss and the lady boss seemed peculiar? They live in an apartment that is smaller than my apartment knowing that they could buy that whole apartment building. Then look, why would the boss let his wife walk her way to the hospital while he drove his luxury car?" Felix, who is inside a car that is parked in the hospital's parking spoke in an earpiece while looking at J walking towards the hospital's entrance followed by Jacob's SUV.

"Idiot! Obviously, their marriage is a secret!" Stefan who is positioned on the rooftop of a building beside CLP Hospital can't help but chastise Felix while looking at J through his binoculars.

J came near the entrance searching her bag for her ID not noticing a man approaching her way. When she finally found her ID, she accidentally bumped into the man's shoulder dropping her ID.

"Oh, s-sorry!" J looked at the man and bowed as she apologized.

The man looked at J and was mesmerized by her beauty. Not far away Jacob saw what happened and god knows how much discipline he needed to control himself not to rush over and punch the man in his face. How dare he look at my wife that way? Jacob thought.

The man stoops down to pick up J's ID. Looking at her ID the man furrowed his brows before he gave it to J and gave her a meaningful smile.

J took her ID from the man then said 'thank you' ignoring his smile before she walked inside the hospital's lobby.

Inside a heavily tinted van parked not far away from the hospital, Arthur and Daniel looked at each other with a frown when they saw the man who accidentally bumped into their Lady Boss in the monitors in front of them. The back of the van is filled with monitors and computer wires. Arthur and Daniel sat inside watching the monitors showing different views outside the hospital and apartment. They were able to hack the CCTV cameras around their Lady Boss.

"Ah...guys. Isn't that? The infamous Bart Sano?" they heard the voice of Felix in their earpiece. With that earpiece, they were able to communicate with each other.

"I have a bad feeling about this." It was Stefan who also saw the man who accidentally bumped into their lady boss at the hospital's entrance.

"Haha... he's probably there to seek help with his rectal hernia!" Felix tried to joke around. But Arthur noticed the reaction in the man's face when he saw J's ID.

"What the hell took you so long?" inside the black pickup truck Naomi castigates her twin brother who is giving her a wry smile. Naomi looks at him with disgust. "What? Were you injected with something? Did you find out where they took the body of that boy?"

"Nope! I didn't." Bart said before giving his twin sister a smug smile. "But I did find something way more interesting."

Naomi gave him an expectant look.

"While searching for the heiress of Robin Hood, did we encounter a person with the name Jenny Do?"

Naomi snapped her brows together trying to remember something. "No, we didn't."

Bart gave her a sarcastic laugh then said, "But I just encountered a person named Jenny Do. I have a feeling that she is the heiress that we are looking for. Let's check the records again. And if we found that her name is not listed in any records, then there is a possibility that she is the heiress. She would never hide her identity for nothing unless the Robin Hood Society deliberately deleted her name in any record." Bart said confidently with an evil smile.

Naomi looked at Bart with a dampened smile and said, "You definitely hit the jackpot this time!"

Then they drive out of the hospital's parking lot.

"Felix, have you found anything about lady boss?" Felix heard Arthur's cold voice over the earpiece.

" leads yet. Give me two days." Felix, though startled due to Arthur's cold tone, was confident that he would find their Lady Boss' secret in two days.

"Good. Follow that black pickup truck." Arthur replied with his eyes glued to the monitor.

"Oh... is that the Sano Twins? On my way!" Felix, who already saw a black pickup truck heading out of the hospital's parking lot, started up his car's engine and went to follow them.

J was getting bored in the Department of Surgery. They don't have any surgery scheduled for today. As she was scanning a surgical book, she suddenly remembered something so she grabs her phone and searched for someone in her phonebook. When she saw the name of the person she was looking for, she immediately made a call.

"Hey! Lily, it's me. Uhm, am I disturbing you? Really? That's great! I actually have free time this afternoon. Dinner? That should be fine. Ok then. I'll see you later. Bye!" Although J and Lily have met only once, J felt light-hearted towards Lily probably because she is Jacob's sister and they share the same interest. And they were also the same age.

The last time Lily invited her for dinner she declined due to some conflicts with their schedule and now she is making up to her.

Later on, Lance called. "Meeting with Sloane tomorrow at 7 pm."

"Got it. Send me the address." J replied. Fortunately, her schedules are cooperating. She smiled at the thought.

After her shift J went straight home. She opened her email to check out some files that Lance emailed her. After a couple of hours, she changed into a polka dots sleeveless dress paired with earrings and necklace, and a tan suede boot. She fixed her hair in a high ponytail then took her shoulder bag getting ready to meet Lily.

She is having dinner with a celebrity who happens to be her sister-in-law as well so she has to look good and presentable.

When she walked out of her apartment the three men who were watching her from a distance through binoculars and monitors gasped in awe. "Hmm... she looked even more gorgeous when dressed up. What a lucky man." Stefan who was the playboy of the team can't help but express his admiration towards their lady boss.

J waved a taxi then immediately hopped in and gave the address to the driver where she is going to meet Lily.

"Ok. Let's move!" seeing J getting away, Arthur immediately ordered Daniel and Stefan. Felix who was still following the twins, unfortunately, didn't get the chance to see their lady boss' look that night.

J arrived at a five-star hotel where she was received by the receptionist as if she was expecting her. Lily is a celebrity so they decided to meet in a less crowded place where people would care less about a celebrity around them.

The receptionist leads her to a private room where she sees Lily waiting for her. When Lily sees her, she openly admires the beauty in front of her. "How come we are at the same age but you are more ladylike than me?" Lily pouted her lips. Although she is already 30, she still dresses and acts like a teenage girl.

J smiled at her. "I'm sorry to keep you waiting. Traffic is getting worse. The taxi has to change the route a couple of times."

Lily frowned. "You took a taxi dressed like that? Why can't my brother get you a car?"

While outside the hotel, Arthur and Daniel successfully hacked the system of the hotel and found where their lady boss got in and who she was meeting. They frowned to see a celebrity eating with their lady boss. Since they can't get an actual visual of their lady boss, Arthur decided to get inside the hotel.

But before that, he received a call from Jacob. He reported the incident with the Sano Twins and the fact that Felix is now following them just to make sure. Aside from that, there were no unusual happenings.

"She's having dinner right now at a five-star hotel with a celebrity," Arthur said.

Jacob furrowed his brows and said, "A celebrity?"

"Yes. If I am not mistaken her name is Lily." Arthur replied.

"That's my sister."