Food Corp.

Jacob let Arthur drive his SUV while Stefan drove the bulletproofed sedan. He was sitting on the back seat with J asleep on his lap. He looked at J with tenderness. When he saw her cuts and bruises his face turned grim.

"Let's drop by Twelve Army Headquarters," Jacob said to Arthur. It was just a couple of miles away from the Naupaka Racing Circuit. Just halfway to Lotus City.

When they reach the Twelve Army Headquarters, Jacob takes J to the infirmary for a full body checkup. The Twelve Army Headquarters has its own infirmary that is fully equipped just like a hospital. It has its radiology, laboratory, patient's rooms, pharmacy, doctors, and nurses.

J was awoken as soon as Jacob placed her in a bed. "Where are we?" J asked, confused. She looked around and noticed that she seemed like she was in a hospital. "I said I'm fine, I don't need to be hospitalized."