The Orchard

"Miss J, welcome back." the old man said while taking off his straw hat to greet them.

"We just came here to pick some oranges," J replied.

"Well then, follow me. We still have a couple more left on that side of the orchard." the old man said. J followed the old man with Jacob beside her. Since that path is a little bit dirty and rocky, Jacob would hold her in her elbow once in a while until he settled himself on holding her hand. J raised her head to look at him but Jacob just shrugs his shoulders while a small smile appears on the corner of his lips.

They reach a row of orange trees that were still in the bloom of ripe oranges ready to be harvested.

"We've already harvested the oranges on the row this morning. I heard that you would be coming today. It's a pity that you were not able to come earlier." The old man said as he continued to lead them the way.