Lance’s Doom

It is almost midnight, and they were now driving back to Lotus City when J asked, "Can we drop by Lily's apartment?"

Jacob was surprised. "Lily? Why? Is she in trouble?"

"No. I've been calling her to ask her if she is free tomorrow so we can talk about the thing that she wanted to talk about with me but she is not answering her phone."

"Hmm... Knowing her, it's either she is already asleep or she is at Rendezvous. Don't worry yourself too much about her. She's a grown-up now and she is quite responsible." Jacob smiled. He was moved seeing how concerned his wife is towards his sister.

But J felt uncomfortable. "Is it far from Evergreen or out of way?"

"No." Lily's apartment is just a few blocks away from Evergreen Villa.

"Then let's drop by." J's tone was firm and she doesn't seem like she would accept a no for an answer.