
After the dinner, others went to the bonfire area to have a drink while J instructed Buck to set up the race car simulator in her cabin's living room.

Soon, the sofa and chairs of the living room were set aside for the simulator to be placed at the center of the living room. While on one corner, the engineers set up some computers to watch and download data while J is having her sim work. The simulator uses huge screens with a seating mechanism similar to that of a race car.

As the software continues to improve, the racing team around the world uses these innovations to improve the skills of the drivers. Although it looks like a video game and is not realistic at all, it becomes a useful tool. Since the racers were not allowed to do on-track testing most of them have to rely on the simulator and it has been very helpful.

J is now sitting in a simulator as the Crew Chief discusses her some pointers. Buck and the engineers were behind the computer to monitor her.