Morning Scent

"Hey..." Jacob said gently when he noticed that J was waking up. "Did I wake you?" He asked seductively.

"Hmm...What do you think? Your finger is all over my back." J said, slightly irritated while she kept her eyes closed. She didn't say it but it tickles and makes her toes curl. But she wanted to sleep more because Jacob didn't let her sleep all night.

Jacob chuckled and pulled her closer to his body while his finger was running circles in her bareback. He has been doing that since he woke up. Although he knew that by doing that he might wake her up, he just can't resist it. Her skin feels so smooth and enticing against his body. 

Last night, J found out that Jacob didn't prepare any change of clothes for them. At first, she thought that he was just joking but then she couldn't believe that he really didn't bring anything.

He said that they won't be needing them all night anyway. J was dumbfounded by Jacob's reasoning.