Sold off

At the Loghouse, they were watching the interview of Secretary Marcelus Eke.

"Secretary Eke, are you confirming the involvement of the officials in this scandal?" One of the reporters asked with a mic outstretched in front of the Secretary.

"Yes. It is all in this book as well as the amount of money given to each of them. It proves that these officials directly received money from Mr. Gold to protect him and his company. Therefore, we will be instituting legal proceedings against these officials." The secretary said with complacency.

"Is it true that Senator Rizza Paz is giving Mr. Gold special privileges in some of the government's large-scale projects?" Another reporter asked.

"Yes." The Secretary nodded his head without inhibition. He doesn't care that he is going against some big names in the government. "And we have enough evidence to prove that."