Armored Vehicle Vs. Arthur and Daniel

While on Daniel's side, he saw two SUVs coming their way. As of now, he is too lazy to deal with them. So, without giving the men from the vehicles any chance to resist, he shot PG-7VL ammunition from his RPG in their direction. 

In the blink of an eye, the ordinary SUVs were on fire.

Arthur looked behind him and shook his head. This man wouldn't spare a second. He thought. He looked back at the cars in front of him that was trying to get back on the road. The men inside them started to fire back at him but his eyes and fingers were much faster than them. 

While walking toward the two moving cars, he is dodging bullets from them while shooting his guns at them. He only needed five bullets to take down all the men inside the vehicles. Seeing that the vehicle won't stop, Arthur walks towards the side to avoid the vehicle from crashing into him but unfortunately, it directly crashes into their car.