Lotus Exposed

"The heiress is currently residing in the Twelve Army headquarters. So, how do you plan on abducting her?" Senator Rizza said. Her tone is challenging them.

"Aside from the President, Vice President, Senators, and selected Representatives, only a few five-star generals were permitted to enter the Twelve Army Headquarters. General Grady is not even one of them. Of course, asking for help from other generals will be suspicious. So the other solution I could think of is luring her out of the headquarters." One of the officials stated. He was resting his elbow on the armrest while stroking his chin.

He was delighted that the Senator finally agreed to help them but now that she did, the problem started to arise.

"Hmm...yes. So, it's up to you how you will be able to lure her out. You are in the military, so you must have a strategy in mind." Senator Rizza said. She acts domineering in front of these military officials that are older and more experienced than her.