It’s her

Jacob chuckled. "Of course, I know what you are talking about. It's just that he is someone that you should not give much thought to. More so, Alex Ogden. They can keep on threatening us as much as they want but they cannot take you away from me nor hurt our family."

While Jacob was saying that, his hand that was on her shoulder slipped down on her arm and rubbed it up and down.

"You should keep that in mind, okay?" Jacob added. 

J nodded her head before she said, "Okay."

"Have you heard from Lance?" She turned her body to face him and ask.

"No, that asshole will get a word from me once he gets back for making my wife and sister worried." He said as he strokes her cheeks and then rubs the crease that forms on her forehead from worrying.

"I wonder where he went," J said, leaning her head on Jacob's palm.