A Family Custom

"I was fifteen when Jack Ogden first approached me. I was strolling around the city and stopped to rest in a café. He approached me and introduced himself as my father's old friend. At first, I was doubtful because as far as I know, father only has one friend which is Benjamin Parker. I've never heard my father mention Jack Ogden before. Until he told me about their childhood stories. When we separated that day, he told me that he'll see me again."

"But internally, I hoped not. Because although I started to believe his story, I am still distrustful of him. Because he was a friend yet father and Uncle Benjamin never mentioned his name. So, I was sure that he 'was' and not a friend of father."

"It was weeks later that I found out that Jack Ogden also met my father and he wanted a marriage between me and his son! Can you believe that? I was only 15! And I don't even know his son as well! And I still don't trust that man!"