Dangerous game

Jacob shook his head confidently. "After all, I am sure that he is not doing this solely for Jenny," 

"You are right," James said, then shook his head. "Women...men could do both right and wrong just for women," James mumbled, making Jacob chuckle.

"Pray that my wife didn't hear you. After all, she's just behind that wall." Jacob pointed his chin toward the wall where their home is located behind. If he was right, J is still sitting there on the sofa reading just like when he left her. Not unless she felt sleepy and decided to retire in their bedroom. 

Her pregnancy makes her always sleepy. That was the first thing that he noticed because that is highly unusual of her. Then when she started to become picky with her foods and avoided her favorite seafood, that's when he suspected that she was pregnant. 

The thought of her carrying his child is pure bliss. There is nothing he could ask for except for the safety of his family.