Sealed And Delivered

When the first trader arrived, a buff man with a full beard wearing a black leather jacket that seemed to be the operator of the warehouse received him. They converse for a while then later on the buff man instructed the operator of the overhead crane to lift a container and place it on the trailer truck to be taken away. 

Once done, the buff man and the trader shake their hands and the trader gets in his car and leaves with the trailer truck. 

"Lynx, you know what to do with them." Arthur who is hiding behind a wooden crate said in a hushed tone. 

"On it! Team, let's go!" A voice of a woman was heard then it was followed by the sound of a car engine. Lynx is the leader of a team that will follow the first trailer truck to hijack them. 

Aside from Lynx, there were other teams in the dark waiting for their time that would come as soon as another trailer left the warehouse with a container of alcohol.