A Chain Reaction

J has heard from Jacob that he bought a military hummer and the factory is going to customize it. She knows how Jacob is fascinated by big cars as much as she is fascinated by sports and race cars. 

After finding out about it, she asked Jacob if she could observe and possibly assist with the customizing of the 4x4. Though Jacob was reluctant at first, he knows that J is getting bored being cooped up in the house so he agreed, but of course with Arthur following her behind.

When she arrived at the factory, she found the tan-colored 4x4 military hummer's engine being replaced with a turbo diesel. 

"Miss J," One of the men that is supervising the replacement of the engine greeted her when she came. While one of them takes out a chair from somewhere for her to sit. She murmured a 'thank you' but didn't sit still, instead, she went around the 4x4 and checked it out.