Little Sister

"Until they are all gone," Belle said, turning her body to look at the person sitting on his usual spot in her living room.

"Only weak people get revenge," The man said.

"I told you, I am not getting my revenge. I am just returning the favor," It's what Belle always tells herself. She refuses to call herself a weak person. If it was when she was just eighteen years old, she would call herself weak. But not after the year that she lost everything that means to her life. Her reason for living. She lost them all in just a month, not giving her enough time to grieve.

She puts down her glass and walks toward the living room. 

"Are you staying?" She asked the man although she knows that the answer is always no. She just wanted to change the topic. 

"No," The man stood up from his seat and put his hands in his pocket. Even with only his silhouette, one could tell that he is a tall and strapping man. "I just came to check out on you,"