Breakfast With Her Brother

The next morning, Belle woke up on the second that her alarm blares. She opened her eyes and found that her room was already flooded with the morning sun coming from the huge window of her bedroom.

She doesn't have the habit of putting on curtains for the sake of privacy. It makes her feel trapped. No, she is not claustrophobic. She just feels that way.

She looks up at the digital alarm clock that is placed on her bedside, it says, 6:30 AM. Normally, she will start her day practicing yoga and then take a quick shower before she leaves for the University. On other days, her class will start at 9 in the morning, she would just buy take-out coffee and a sandwich on her way for breakfast.

But today, she doesn't have class until 2 PM.

She sits up and leans on the headrest of her king-size bed. Then she reached out for her phone on the bedside table. She has plans for today and she has to start early.