The Truth

"We are just down here if anything," Daniel said as soon as they stopped outside AM Entertainment. After Novus Rex was dissolved, they knew that Alex Ogden spent most of his time in AM Entertainment.

Arthur didn't reply and just stepped out of the SUV.

"Are you sure we are not going to follow him?" Felix asked Daniel who seemed to have decided that they would just stay inside the car while Arthur talked to Alex Ogden alone without consulting them.

"Yeah," Daniel replied. 

"I think this is more personal to Arthur so it was just right to let him deal with this, for now," Stefan said behind Felix.

"How did you know by the way that it was Arthur's ex-girlfriend?" Felix turns to look at Stefan. He could not believe that he missed out on such information.

Stefan shrugged his shoulders and pulled out his phone from his pocket when he felt its vibration. "Trixie told me,"