Born Criminal

"An angel in disguise, or shall I say a devil in disguise?" Then his face turned grave as he gazed at her face. "Who are you?" 

"None of your fucking business!" Belle hissed. 

"Finally!" If she was startled when Matias suddenly exclaimed, she managed not to show it. 

"She spoke! So you are not a mute assassin after all!" Matias said sarcastically with pride to himself for making Belle speak. Then he turned serious again as his face inched closer to her. His change of demeanor makes Belle think that he is bipolar. 

"A voice and face of an angel but a tongue of a devil. I like that," Matias said as he licked his lower lip. "But dear, it is my business to know you since you tried to take my life," He said then he took a few steps backward making Belle alert. 

His actions and reactions are a bit unexpected so Belle wanted to be ready in case he made some unexpected attack against her.