Staying Awake

What she didn't know is that even though her brother didn't come with his men in full force, he was trained to survive a war like this. He was trained to kill, to be an assassin. And he came with Arthur who was also trained the same way. 

They also had the help of a sniper that helped them take down Matias's men that would attempt to stop them from making their way inside the mansion much easier. And if there was anyone left on the grounds, Alex's men took care of them. 

While outside the mansion stood Felix as a lookout and ready as a getaway car driver. 

"Fuck! What happened?" Felix exclaimed when he saw Arthur coming out with the half-conscious Belle in his arms.

"We need to get her to the infirmary! Now!" Arthur replied, not bothering to answer Felix's question. 

"Okay! Okay!" Felix ran towards the car and opened the door so Arthur could help Belle inside.