Mission In Mind

"Hey," J looked up to see Jacob entering the balcony of their room. She is sitting on a chair with a cup of lemon ginger tea in her hand. "Did they finally get to sleep?"

"Yes," Jacob said as he pulled her to stand from the chair for him to sit and then pulled her to sit on his lap. "Nic is still fighting it, but he can't win against me," He said on J's neck.

J pursed her lips. The twins were as stubborn as her but Jacob always says that they cannot win against him. But in the end, just like J, they still win against him. 

Jacob is still juggling his work in the hospital and Twelve Army but most of his work was taken in his office in the Twelve Army. He just visits the hospitals if it needs his presence or if he has surgery which is now rare since J is not working there as a nurse anymore.