Dreamless Sleep

"And if she doesn't, I will be the one to get your son back and I am sure that your brother will join me. After all, he is our nephew," Belle smiled at Trixie. Her voice was filled with determination that she will get Trixie's son back.

"Oh, God! I don't know what to do," Trixie buried her face in her palm and cried. She was overwhelmed with a mix of emotions. 

Belle pulled Trixie in a hug and let her cry on her shoulders while she patted her back. She knew that because of the rift between Trixie and her parents, Trixie doesn't have anyone to confide in her problems except her and Arthur. 

But this past year, neither she nor Arthur was with her. Belle cannot blame the fact that Trixie was nowhere to be found that year because she knows that there is a reason why she has to leave. And she cannot help but blame herself for being one of the reasons.