Precious than Gold

J sighed in frustration making Belle and Trixie look at her wondering if something is wrong. They found J looking at them with an unreadable face. 

"You and you," J pointed a finger at them. "I told you to drop the formality and just call me J," 

J had insisted that to Belle over and over again before but it seems that Belle, now joined by Trixie, was adamant about calling her Miss J. Belle had become J's friend and J wanted Trixie to be one as well. So she wanted them to not see her as someone with a high position in society and called her Miss. 

Diana, Hannah, and Emily had long abandoned calling her with the title and she wanted Belle and Trixie to do the same.

"I already talked to my husband about this and he has the same thoughts as me," J said after a while making Belle and Trixie look at her with anticipation.