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Trixie knows that there is a possibility that Mason will take after Stefan not just with looks but with interest as well. And she knew very well where Stefan's interest lies. She had heard from Arthur and Belle that Stefan is extremely fascinated with guns. In fact, obsessed is the word that Arthur used to describe his interest in guns. And now, Stefan has also taken an interest in explosives.

Trixie doesn't mind that Stefan is obsessed with guns and explosives because it is part of his job.

In the end, Trixie wasn't able to stop Stefan from buying toys for Mason. Some of them were appropriate for his age but it seems that Stefan cannot help himself but buy a couple of toy guns for Mason. 

They were now walking around and searching for a place to eat because Trixie was starting to get hungry and her feet were already complaining about standing and walking for too long. Finally, they found a fast-food chain but when they were about to enter, someone called.