Called by the Chairman

~~Sand slips away in the hourglass, drawing time with it, bringing ages and eons with the sand fall, till the sand runs out at the end of time.~~

"Dr. Jensen, you are being called into the Chairman's office," The head nurse of the department of surgery called her. 

"What? Why?" Camilla asked with a surprised look on her face. She is currently slumped on the floor of the hallway of the department of surgery along with her friend while reading her notes.

"What did you do?" Her friend nudged her shoulder and looked at her accusingly.

Camilla glared at her friend. "Nothing," She said defensively. 

"Did you sleep with Sir Elijah Parker? Or worse, Chairman Jacob Parker?" Her friend narrowed her eyes at her. 

Camilla's eyes instantly grew wide and she felt goosebumps on her skin at her friend's words. "Of course, not!"