Her Real Name

"So how was it?" Sadie asked enthusiastically, leaving her boxed meal on the table.

"Don't bother to explain, she won't understand," Meg said with a smirk then she dived back again to her box of rice meal. 

Rice toppings on a box were something Camilla, Sadie, and Megan always enjoyed whenever they decided to hang around one's apartment. Usually, they do that to watch a movie or just gossip while drinking.

If they don't feel like eating takeout, they will invade the kitchen and cook something. But most of the time, it was Sadie who did the cooking. Camilla and Megan always say that she should practice since she wanted to have her restaurant. 

Sadie is currently working as a chef at a five-star hotel so having her cook their meal feels like having a fine dining experience at a luxurious restaurant.

"How dare you?" Sadie glared at Megan though Camilla knows that she is not really angry. She could not remember if she ever saw her being angry.