Rumors at the Hospital

Camilla weaved through the audience who were watching the ongoing surgery on the operating table just below them. She excused herself while making sure that the can of juice in her hand would not accidentally spill on the residents and nurses.

"Hey, what's up," Camilla asked as soon as she found a vacant seat that was reserved for her by her friend. Emma became her friend two years ago when she started her residency at the CLP Hospital. 

Emma is a sweet and good person but unfortunately, Camilla cannot bring herself to trust her with her secrets. In fact, she doesn't trust anyone with her secret except for Sadie and Megan. 

"Explore lap," Emma replied as she looked at her and then at the can in her hand before she looked in front of them. They were in a room separated by thick glass to keep the operating room sterile. They were above the operating room enough for them to have a nice view of what is going on at the operating table.