
It has been a week since Megan was discharged and was on 'house arrest' as she would call it whenever she was talking to her father about letting her get back to work. But her father would always reject her plea saying that she needed time to recuperate. 

But Megan felt that instead of healing, she is starting to get sick of being imprisoned in the four walls of her apartment. She used to love her apartment. She was proud of what she has done with it but ever since she got shot, she is starting to hate it. 

She was starting to picture the grills of her huge windows as steel railings of prison as she sat on her couch that used to be so comfortable to sit now it felt like she was burning on it. She wanted to go out but it was as if there was a censor on her doors, the moment she stepped out of it, her father would instantly call. 

That's what you get when your father is the best hacker in the world. She felt like he had eyes everywhere.