Sadie’s Place

Nora used the other SUV which was driven by Timothy with Cole in the passenger seat. While Hugo and Wesley were in the other SUV. 

"How was it?" Nora asked as Timothy started to drive out of the 365 Help Center.

Timothy glanced at the rearview mirror to see Nora was already looking at him. He looked back at the road before he said, "News is already out. Mostly on social media," 

"Did anyone try to get near?" Nora asked. Not that she was worried, she was just curious. She was trained by her parents to be extra cautious of her surroundings. To be observant and to become vigilant without anyone noticing. She always practiced that but she still wanted to know if she missed something while she and her mother were busy buying goods and interacting with people.

"No. It was expected. After all, we took them by surprise so they were thinking if it was just a show or real," It was Cole who replied in a proud tone and Nora nodded her head.