Boiling Blood

Megan stepped out of her apartment and was immediately greeted by the magnificent view of the ocean. A smile appeared on her lips as she stared at the long stretch of the shore while taking in the beauty in front of her.

She'll never get tired of it. If the view in front of her is what she will get for leaving her life in the city, then she'll definitely never regret it. 

Megan's apartment is located at the edge of a hill. She'll have to take a few steps down the cemented stairs to the gate of her apartment. In front of her apartment is the road then across the road, she'll have to take downhill steps to get to the coast. 

So, Megan got a magnificent and uninterrupted view of the sea.

"Good morning, Megan," She heard a chirpy voice greet her and when she turned her head to the left, she found her landlady looking at her with a contagious smile. 

Megan cannot help but smile back at her. "Good morning, Mrs. Riles," She greeted back.