Seeking for Advice

Damien's workroom was a separate room behind their house which Nora was very familiar with as well. When Nora was still blindly in love with him, she would sometimes surprise Damien by visiting him without telling him. If he is not in his boat, Nora would find him in his workroom. They would spend some time there and even share intimate moments in that room. 

But as much as Nora felt nostalgic seeing the workroom again after many years, her anger towards the man who was inside was bubbling on the surface. 

Nora barged into the room and found Damien cutting a piece of wood on his table. Nora would have drooled at the sight which she always did in the past. 

Damien's sleeves were folded up to his elbow so his arm muscles flexed with every movement, were exposed for Nora's eyes to feast. His hair was messy which Nora always finds sexy. His pheromones were mixed with the scent of wood.

If Nora was not angry, she would have swooned.