What I Need

To say that Megan was speechless was an understatement. She felt numb and at the same time, she felt every cell in her body alive. She is no stranger to romance stories so she knew that not every woman is lucky enough to receive such confessions and declarations of love as Timothy did. 

Not to mention that it was Timothy. The proudest and coldest man she had ever known. Timothy would not say such words just to annoy her. He is simply not that kind of person. 

Megan didn't realize that she had been staring at Timothy for quite some time now until she heard him speak again. "Aren't you going to say something?" 

Megan blinked once, twice. What was she supposed to say after such a confession? She asked herself only to realize that she doesn't know what to say. Not that she really doesn't know what to say, it's just that her brain is not yet functioning well because her heart has fully taken over.